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Fallout: The Rejects


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Matoaka finally got the computer to work, she input an algorithm to seek out other computers capable of high transfer operations. She detected a very strong but offline matrix, which appeared to be moving, and fast at approximately 17,000 miles per hour, at an altitude of approximately 400 miles above the earth. It would take some working, but she might even be able to re-activate it, depending on the power source; she hopeful it was not a standard solar cell battery backup at only 520 watts, that would be insufficient. She made it run a self diagnostic to analyze the systems, so she had an idea of what she was working with. It appeared to have limited data, but it contained some specs, she found it ran off a much more powerful micro fission reactor, and was offline during the nuclear holocaust meaning it might be fully functional, and not damaged from the large scales of Electromagnetic Radiation given off from the detonation of large amounts of nuclear explosions. Several minutes later she found that it had an on-board camera, and she began to stream the live feed, the quality of the image was great, and she looked around her local area and saw a man about to be finished off by a gang of who she could only guess to be slavers. Matoaka zoomed in, but doing so inadvertently triggered something, as it began to initiate launch sequence. This caught her by surprise, she tried to shut it down, but no effect.. Then it dawned on her, that the satellite must be some sort of pre-war defense satellite, that could only explain some of the specs.
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After gunning Scar down, The slavers in the alleyway were alerted by the sounds of gunshots in the street. They had the feeling their comrades were in trouble. When they turned the corner and headed into the main street they were right. Two of their fellow slavers were on the ground. One in a pile of blood trying his best to move. and the other, with a bruised face, and gash oozing blood from the side of his face - Above him, they saw the silver hair woman with the Gatling laser. They saw another man standing not far from the bloodied slaver. The leader grinned as his eyes scanned the scene.


"What the hell is going on here?" The slaver leader said. He aimed his assault rifle at the man standing wielding nothing but a pistol. The two other slavers did the same, then brought their aim to the silver woman.


"This freakin' short male without a father shot me!" The slaver said as he crawled his wounded body to the others, dragging a trail of blood as he moved. The other slaver on the ground was more embarrassed than anything. He held onto his face where he had been hit. After spitting out a wad of blood, he cursed violently under his breath.


"Freakin..... witch.." The veteran slaver said. he watched her gripping the Gatling laser and even then he showed no fear. He brought his hand to his waist, and unstrapped a 10mm pistol. He quickly raised the handgun, and aimed it at the silver haired woman. But before he was able to fire at her, a hail of laser piercing rounds rained down on the slaver from the Circular window on the second level of the a nearing Building. The slaver was hit several times in his armored arms, causing him to drop his weapon. The last shot, braised the slavers head, and shattered through his skull. When the body fell over to the side lifeless, The standing slavers, along with the Leader Focused their fire at the window.


- - -


Daniel ducked down from the incoming fire and sat his assault rifle to the side as it began to overheat from excessive use.


"Dammit.." Daniel said as chips of broken wall fell on his hair. He brushed some of the fragments free from his black hair, and pulled out his 10mm pistol. He looked over to Anitha and gave her a cheerful smirk. Jack backed up, and raised the flaming blade of his Shishkebab at Athina's head.


"Calm down Jack. We don't need anymore enemies today." Daniel said, as he continued to dodge the shots coming from below. Daniel fired his sidearm out to the street blindly hoping to hit one of the slavers but was unsuccessful.


"Relax Danny.. if she is an android I'm guessing all this would do is smug her paint job.." Jack said with a light chuckle. He tilted the blade to the side, then powered down the flames, before lowering the Shishkebab to the side.

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Cale's eyebrow twitched. "Short am i?" He spoke in a threatening tone." Well then..... Let's see how short i am WHEN I BLOW OFF YOUR FREAKING LEGS!!!!!" With that he proceeded to empty the assault rifles clip into the lower regions of the slavers. He had no other thought in his head but to cause as much pain as possible to the slavers for that comment. Completely forgetting that they made a living selling people. At that moment the only reason Cale thought they deserved to die was because one of em called him short.



Luke chuckled. “Dunno. It might…. It might not. If it does I doubt it’s what I knew him by though.” He closed his eyes and sighed when he heard Grey’s message. "Wonder if it's the real deal this time?" He smirked when Mars told Zephyr about the message. "And it even knows morse code. The Enclave sure did put a lot of money into those guys. Should of stuck with the damn robots if you ask me." When Mars and Zephyr walked away Luke took of running towards the town hoping that he would get there before Grey lost sight of him.

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Grey watched as round after round was fired into the slavers. "Jeese... these people are crazy...." she looked up at the circular window where she had traced some of teh rounds from. "Youre going to owe me big time for this L..." Grey jumped to the side and squeased the triger of the gatling lazer before rolling to the side, "DIE!" shot after shot found their way into the slavers heads, starting with the lead slaver, blood flying everywhere as their heads were ripped of flesh and bone. Before the first headless body fell to the ground, Grey recovered her stance and backed up to the wall, quickly making a glance towards the window above. those guys better hope they are on our side... After the dust had clered Grey extended her hand to Cale. "Names Grey.." she nearly bit her lower lip for what she was about to say. "Thanx for helping me out there.." she instantly hated herself for saying it... she hated being helped. "What brings you to this dump of a town... although it does seem to have its.... interesting sides."


Athina slowly backed down, but still kept a defencive stance. "what are you two doing here?" she said in a rather neutral tone, neither hostile or friendly.


Kiza stopped in her tracks and secretly reached for her combat knife. Her eyes moved quickly to each side, although she could not hear nor see anything... she had the suspicious feeling that she was being followed. A stone toppled over and she quickly rolled to the side and kept to a crouching position... her eyes alert. "Where are you..." she whispered to herself for a moment before letting out a sigh. She got to her feet and pulled the knife close before talking a few stepps back from the place that she had rolled. "Just try and get within a few meter radius of me ...." she said threttiningly to the wind.

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"What we're doing here is none of your-" Daniel flicked an empty 5.56mm round into Jacks head before he could finish speaking. Jack rubbed at his head past his hair where the cartrage hit him, making sure it wasn't bleeding - or if it was, so he could taste it.


"We're gettin' the hell outta dodge thats what we're doing." Daniel said as he kept an eye on Athina and out the window. With the shotting deminished he felt he was safe, but was still unsure about the silver haired woman with a gatling laser down below. He thought her to be a regulator, and feared being recognize or gunned down by her.


"I told ya slavers were in town. Well.. Now their dead slavers." Daniel smiled, then Jack approached the window to take a look out.


"Streets didn't look safe. Came up here I figured me and Jack could avoid a bloody fire fight. Guess I was wrong. Good thing I wasn't down there I guess." Daniel laughed then peered down to the window as The silver hair woman extended her hand out to the man. that was traveling with Athina.


"Looks like you're sidekick there is making a new amigo." Daniel winked at her, then pointed to the window with his thumb to Athina for her to take a look. Jack shook his head with a satisfied grin by the entire look of the atmosphere below. Dead bodies, and the sight of blood were all he saw. The Screams could be heard of the slaver with rounds being fired into his legs. he continued to scream out for help. then the cowardly slaver turned over to his superiors, whos heads were morbidly disfigured and shot off. He shouted out even greater than before, and weakly attempted to crawl away. His screams and whimpers were to much for Jack to bare, and he shook his head while giving off a sinister laugh as he watched the man. Finally, after taking in enough of the screams, he pulled out a flashy Chinese pistol, and fired several smoldering rounds into the slavers head. The smoking bullets exploded the slavers head. And Jack howled like a wolf in excitement after the dead body fell to its back. Daniel turned to Athina, then gave her a distasteful look.


"Don't mind him. He's got issues." Daniel said.

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Zephyr rose from behind a dune a few meters from Kiza opposite the oulder that had toppled and alarmed her. "Relax if you would please. If I were here to cause trouble bullets would already have been flying at you when I was a mile away. But they weren't so I'm just here to talk calm down I'm not going to try and pull anything." He said with a dissatisfied look on his face. Really must eeryone be so paranoid? It's one thing to be alert at all times but quite another to be ALARMED at all times. He thought.


Mars was along the path to Lebanon taking his sweet time sticking to shadows as well waiting for his companion to meet up with him. He stopped in the shadow of a bluff to get some shut eye.

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It took Cale a little while before he completely calmed down. He turned towards Grey and got a good look at her and liked what he saw. He took her hand and shook it. "I'm Cale. And don't worry bout it." He let go of her hand and looked over at the dead slavers. "No reason in particular. Just traveling." He looked up at where Ath and Daniel were and chuckled. "Well that was easier than i thought."
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"God dammit why havent you helped me!" yelled Scar


He had been shot by the slavers whose blood now filled the street "*ban me* you people I'll do it my self" he said pulling out his knife


He stuck it in the bullet wound on his chest and managed to prop the bullet out and layed back down passing out again

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Matoaka stared at the screen as whatever fired touched the ground.. and she could feel the tremor it had caused in her cave. She found alternate camera settings, and changed it to thermal.. The mass of men were now a crater, and only one man was left, he appeared to be severely wounded, and just lay on the ground with a small object, a weapon perhaps..
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