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Fallout: The Rejects


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Athina glanced at Jack and shook her head and recalled the earlyer events. "So those slavers down there were after that girl you were with then...." she paused a moment "So where is she now then?" she pondered a moment before taking a few strides over to the window to glance at Cale and Grey, a slight tinge of jelosy appered on her face before it swiftly dissapered. A small while whent by before athina simply muttered "I dont trust the likes of her....." Without another word Athina swiftly jumped fromthe window onto the street below, landing only a few meteres away from Grey.


Grey gave Cale a short smile before quickly noting Athina andher relitavly alert stance. Great... just what i need... another one... Grey stood where she was but kept a firm grip on the gun and her eyes locked onto Athina who was returning the slightly heated gaze.


Kiza diddnt show the slightest hint of backing off. "Kinda hard to relax when nearly everyone you know is out to get you...." she said in an oddly playfull tone. "Go ahead and tell me who you are and what you want then..... Friend...."


OCC:sorry for the wait/.... having some problems my end

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"What're you doing out here? and what were those raiders after? I saw the explosions, nice work. Soemone with your skill set surely has better things to do though besides blowing up raiders and heading towards little Nuca-Cola stains on the map like this poo hole. Name's Zephyr by the way." Zephyr said cordially.
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A rumble shook the room and Daniel quickly balanced himself before falling over. He raised a brow, then gave Jack a questioning look. He sighed, then shrugged, thinking the same thing after Athina asked where the girl was. He scanned the town, trying to catch sight of her, but didnt find anyone matching the girls resemblence. after the gunshots died down the towns people emerged from their hiding places, and began to go about there business. Daniel looked down to the silver haired woman, n nodded agreeing with Athina just after she leaped from the window.


"I don't either.." He said under his breath. Jack blinked after Athina jumped down to the street. He whistled, impressed by the maneuver and watched as Athina began to stare down the woman.


"So what now?" Jack asked.


"What now? Daniel said while he carefully poked his head out the window.


"Right now we do our job. Still gotta get that caravan to Lebanon remember?"


"Riight.. Almost forgot." Jack said. His eyes twitched as he looked out the window, and he licked his lips tasting the carnage with his mind.


"You think maybe I could-"


"No.. you're not gonna head down for any scraps." Daniel responded.


"Man! You're just going to let them rot down there?!" Jack said angrily.


"Oh ok fine. Be my guest! Go on down, and hack off some dead slavers arm. In the middle of this town. while everyone is around. Suuure it will be fine. No one will think nothing of it." Daniel said sarcastically. He laughed, then patted Jack on the shoulder, who had a dissatisfied look.


" Cannibal in town, with a flaming sword.. The regulators got your whole rap sheet. Dont want to risk it. We had enough violence for one day. Don't need anymore exposure." Daniel blinked, then grinned as he grabbed his assault rifle, strapped it to his back then headed towards the door. Jack began to follow him. They made it down to the first floor, and cautiously walked out to the side door they entered through. Daniel and Jack slowly crept to the Alley where they were originally, and was shocked to see what he found.


"Speaking of Exposure.." Daniel shook his head as he looked at the scene. the ground and walls alike were charred by some unknown blaze. the ground was hollowing, and bits of rubble were flaming lightly. past the burning debris and smoke, Daniel stepped into it, and saw Scar badly wounded. From gunshots, the flames that beset the area? Daniel didnt stop to think about it. He pulled a stimpack free from his satchel, then flicked the needle end, making sure it was primed.


"Junky might actually like this.." Daniel said. Jack laughed, then watched as Daniel stabbed the stimpack into Scars chest, injecting him with the stimpacks medicine.

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Scar jumped up


" 'bout damn time someone helps me damn slavers shot my ass full of lead and no one come to my aid"


Scar looks at Daniel then walks away, he stopped and reached for his knife. It wasnt there.


"Where the *ban me* is my knife!" he yelled searching the ground he looked just in time to see one of the slavers start crawling away. Scar walks towards him and stomps on his skull smashing it. The slaver crawled no longer in his hands lay Scars knife "Slasher" "Thought I'd lost my knife for a second" he said spitting on the slavers crushed skull

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Cale looked between Ath and Grey and sighed. He could tell that Ath was waiting for a reason to attack. "Easy Ath. Don't go starting a fight with someone we just saved. Bad for business you know." He saw Daniel and Jack creep out towards an alley. Deciding it would be best to leave the two girls alone he followed the two down the alley. When Athina didn't like someone he could very rarely get her to change her mind. He also found refereeing during these situations to be highly dangerous. When Daniel gave the man on the ground a stimpack he called out. "Hey Danny boy! After a bit of consideration we've decided to take you up on your offer. We'd be delighted to accompany you. That is.. If the pay's good."



Meanwhile Luke kept running towards the city as fast as he could. He pulled out the two way radio and spoke into it as he ran. "Grey, Where is he? Can you still see him? Try and stay near him. I'll be at the town gates soon so don't loose him."



OT. Sorry guys. I've been feeling really out of it here lately and i couldn't seem to think of anything to post. Then even if i was able to post Modqueen hasn't really been able to get online here lately so you'd probably still be waiting anyways.

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Athina used her other sensors to keep track of Cale, all the while keeping her main ones focused on Grey.

The moment Cale started to walk away Grey got the message from Luke. She simply put her hand in her poicket and morse coded a tenfour before slipping her hand out her pocket again, none of this escaped Athinas notice. "Seems like you looking for someone then.... Maybe i could help...." Athina's flat and almost threttining tone was quite chilling to the ear.

"Thanks.... but i can find who im looking for on my own." Grey retorted with a sweetish but tence tone before stepping to the side, trying to follow after Cale, but the moment she did so Athina jumped to the side and spread her arms out wide, a simbolic gesture that she was not allowed to pass. "Im afraid i can't allow you to do that.... So what are you.." she said slowly dropping her arms to circle Grey, "a hunter, a tracker a mercinary..."

Grey smiled "Just a person trying to get by, as are we all." Grey thought a moment before a sly grinn crossed her face. if she's an android..... then the right frequency might be able to help me here in this situation. Grey slowly reacheed into her pocket and brought out her two way radio.

Athina stopped and studied it for a moment, slightly confused. The moment that she guessed what Grey was doing it was too late, Grey had changed the frequency, and at a wild successful guess got the right frequency to scramble Athina's brain. Athina stood there for a moment, her eyes wide and blank before she dropped to the floor like a stone.

Grey let out a sigh before changing the frequency back to pick up Lukes messages. "You better hurry your ass here then.... Just took out some freaky android chick with.." she paused a moment "purple... hair. Dont know how long itl be out for, but i only manages to scramble it for ahwile. And for the record... you have the worst scence of timing." Grey thought a moment and looked down at Athina, "your buddy wn't be too happy about that... hmmmn but i think this could work to my advantage." Grey sprinted off to Cale in the allyway with the best acted face of shock. "Cale! thats where you are.... Im presuming you knew that woman over there. We were talking and all of a sudden she just toppled over! does... does this sort of thing happen often?" she said wide eyed with the right ammount of shock in her voice. A skill she picked up to out fox her tormentor on ocasion.


Kiza looked over Zephyr with a fine eye before answering. "Names Kiza, expert theif" she said in a tone that she would usually use to win over customers. She folded her arms with a childish air before continuing. "They wanted what was once theirs which is mine now is all. and what im doing here is none of your bu-.........oooooh..." she stopped short of her scentence before gazing off at a metallic object half covered ibn sand ahwile off. She took the backpack from of her back and ran towards the item before uncovering it, Zephyr completely forgotten at the moment. Eventually it looked like just a shiny hunk of melted metal. "Bah.... what a waste." she said before disgarding it over her shoulder. She got to her feet and seemed to jump a slight ammount when she noticed Zephyr still there, she let out a sigh, "You want to know why i was here then? ok i was chaces here... good enough? now the same questions....." she paused and thought a moment "to you."

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Zephyr laughed with a slight gleam in his eye. He like this lady-unlike most people. "Name's Zephyr. And I'm here for the same reason as you, I was chased here but I've hung around for the chance to make some caps now I think I'll do some chasing of my own. There's a man with a rather large bounty on his head I might just go and collect it. You're my kind of person Kiza you've got zeal, I like that. Interested in travelling with me?" He asked with suprising cordiality, "Unless you've got a problem with Deathclaws..." He added after remembering most people's animosity towards Mars.
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Daniel rolled after Scar was revived, then went back to his murderous self. He patted Scar on his back then sighed.


"Sometimes I think you really do have a death wish." Daniel said to Scar. he backed up from him, scratched his head still baffled by the disappearance of the woman he found. then looked over to scar to speak to him again.


"We're leavin' town soon as possible. So no more messin' around, its time to get serious Scar." Soon after Danny said that, the stranger he encountered earlier abruptly made himself known. Jack was quick to reach for his sword and forced it to flame up, but Daniel held his companion from doing anything rash. He listened to what the man had to say, then smiled. He nodded to him, and extended out his hand. jack looked pissed, but didn't say anything. He powered down the shishkebab, then rested himself against the wall as he notoriously stared at the stranger.


"Didn't catch your name." He said to him slowly. While waiting for a response the Silver haired woman approached. Daniels familiarized himself with the woman up close after seeing her from afar. He distanced himself as best he could to make sure they didn't make any eye contact. He didn't care much for what happened to the Android Athina, but at the same time he was curious as to what caused her to pass out.

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Cale chuckled as he shook Daniels hand. "I didn't give it to ya. But you can call me Cale... For now." When Grey told him what happened to Athina he sighed loudly. "Great. And here i was thinking things might calm down." He walked over to Ath and knelt down next to her unsure of what he should do. He scratched his head and sighed again. "Well now what do i do?" After a staring at her for a few seconds he did the only thing that came to mind. He started poking her with his finger.



Luke stopped in his tracks as soon as Grey told him about the Android. His arms and legs started shaking and his eyes widened. He quickly pulled out the radio and yelled into it. "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THAT THING RIGHT NOW!! You hear me Grey?!? Run, Forget the kid and just run. And whatever you do don't piss that thing off!" He trusted the radio back into his pocket and ran towards the town at full speed once again. Hoping that Grey didn't piss it off.

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Kiza thought a moment before making her answer, "No, no problem with deathclaws.... Youre not some kind of Regulator then are you??? Chasing bounties and whatnot?" She seemed to take a slight step back away from Zephyr. Another short pause spanned the moment before she spoke again, a sly grin spread her face. "And even if i do accept to traveling with you.... whats in it for me?"


Grey shot a quick, unnoticed glare at the wall as Luke's voice shouted out from the two way radio. like i said luke.... you have the worst sence of timing... she thought to herself as she only hoped that none of the others heard the sound, or that they had mistaken it for something else. As the small group moved off, grey took her chance to quickly slip away into a dark solitary corner unnoticed before lifting the radio to her mouth. "Damnit L.... are you seriously trying to get me killed here? now if you would kindly shut your trap and let me do my job." with that she swiftly shoved the two way radio back into her pocket before making her way to the roof to secretly observe her charge.


After a few moments of Cale prodding her in her side, Athina's 'instant' reboot system kicked into action. Not knowing that it was Cale beside her as her sensors were still in a disorganised state, she swiftly got to her knees, swung round and landed Cale one right in the jaw. Only a few moments later did she realise what she had just done "oops..... uuh sorry Cale. I'm afraid i must of blanked out there a moment or two." she said with a slight confused look on her face. Oddly enough, Grey's attack had wiped her memory of the past few moments, only making her remember from where she jumped down from the window. Athina scratched her head for a moment, before finally piecing everything together again, "Cale.... what just happned?"

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