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Fallout: The Rejects


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Cale had already packed up the camp and started searching for Athina. It didn't take him too long however. The smoke on the horizen led him straight to her. He found her wandering around with scorch marks all over her body. He walked up to her and sighed. "I'm not even gonna ask." He tossed her pack at her and sighed. "You know it's a good thing that armour of yours is as thick as you are otherwise you'd be wandering around here with nothing but a few strips of fabric to cover yourself." He looked at her and shook his head and sighed. "Lets go. We should be able to make it to town by noon. It'll be nice to be around other humans again." With that he turned around and headed in the direction of the town.
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"RAYN!!!" "Mother stay there father will be back!" replied Scar


Scar looked for his father and saw him impaled on a deathclaws hand. He looked back at his mother but she was gone dragged off by a another deathclaw.


The next day Scar looked at his village on fire, in ruins nothing remained Scar was shocked and picked up his father's knife Slasher and talked to it as a person for the mere sight of his dead family drove him insane



Years later


The sight still haunted him everytime he closed his eyes. He inflicted his pain among familys with children his age when the night happened. He would go into a town back in the capital wasteland and kill everyone but the children and that was when he was 15.

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Athina was quite glad that Cale had found her and gladly accepted her pack. Even though Cale said he wasnt going to ask, she found herself blurting out the entire story.... right from the beginning when she left the camp. She wasnt quite sure.. but at some times of the tale she thought Cale had completely stopped listening. "And thats when you found me... Cale?" she waited ahwile but after no answer came she let out a sigh and decided to leave the matter alone.She stared at the sky, her feet automatically avoiding "Cale... earlyer on you said it would be nice to be around other humans again... What was ment by that? I mean.. new people are always interesting to study... But." She paused a moment.. her head still tilted upwards towards the sky "People confuse me cale.. you are the only one that i can seem to figure out... All the others want to take me apart or something. No wait... im confusing them with raiders now.... Each one is so different from another that it is impossible to gather enough data to be able to understand the species. And only a basic comparison check can be made against each indevidal to see what group he or he falls under. its more data than i can handle im sure..." It was at that point that she took her eyes off the sky and consentraed more on what was happening infront of her..... well.... not exactly. with that off her mind she turned to another statement that cale had said. What did he mean when he called me thick... her mind still drumming over all that had happned.
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"You're damn right Daniels gonna be pissed!" Daniel said to Scar after whipping blood from his own face. Witnessing a death was nothing new to him, but he knew the death of these two men would come back on his hands, and probably ruin the new contract he found.


"Low Profile!" He ranted to Scar, "Not go around killing guards! You're heads not on right man! We weren't suppose to cause a scene here!"


Junkie Idiot.. Daniel thought, as he crept around the corner of the Alleyway to see if anyone had heard the shots, It was clear that the townsfolk had. And He saw some of the people looking concerned, asking others if they heard the shots as well. Daniel chuckled a bit to himself, then headed back to Scar, rested his hand on his shoulder and patted brashly.


"Hide these bodies.." Daniel Looked around, and spotted an dumpster, with its lid opened. He pointed to it, motioning Scar to dispose of them there. Daniel knew of, and even admired Scars killer instinct. But hiding the fact wasn't one of Scars strong suits.


"After that, Meet me outside of town, There was an abandoned gas station not far from here. Go there. STAY there. Get there unseen. We got a job protecting a caravan. Payouts big So you can shoot yourself silly when its all done for all I care."

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"God dammit" muttered Scar "I kill two people and now I got to stay in a god damn gas station"


"You know if I had joined Talon Comp. back in the wasteland I could have made big bucks but no my dumb ass had to be a good guy try and redeem myself" said Scar to himself "Ah.. thats the past gotta think now gotta job gonna have some fun kill some raider scum"


Damn deathclaws why'd you have to go my family on me thought Scar with a smirk "If only they knew the truth" laughed Scar looking at the burns from his raider initiation rite.



Wonder if any of 'em will recognize me thought Scar "Maybe this time death will come swiftly"

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Zephyr stepeed into a bar, it was a cesspool if there ever was one, Mars was right behind him. Zephyr took a seat at a table where five women in armor of similar design as his were seated and Mars went and lay down near a couple of troughs, one filled with leftovers from the bar's meals, one with water, and the smallest with some alcohol. A couple of guys stood at the bar conversing with the barkeep they had the same armor as Zephyr and the women he sat with.


"So Lara, what do those pompous sons of b___hes want now?" Zephyr said uninterestedly but not without venom. Lara had long been his second in command with his rag-tag little group, he met her in Paradise Falls picking up supplies and had traveled with her to Chicago, Vegas, and now here, to Memphis. They picked up the four other ladies and the two guys along the way, they trusted each other without a doubt, tends to happen when you're running through the wastes saving each other's hide most every day for nearly five years.


Mars snorted slightly in amusement at his companion's remark, he knew how much Zephyr and his crew despised their new employers but their caps, along with their alcohol, were good. Plus the discontent bartenders giving them cuts and free booze to give their bosses hell when they didn't know about it sweetened the deal. One day they'd kill them off and take over this city like they had with Jolliet before they had to move on.

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Cale only half listened to Athina's tale as he walked down old highway. Since he first met her almost a year ago he's learned that the less he knows about what she's been doing the happier he is. He looked back at her and chuckled. "Yeah you know.. Other people?" Hestarted to mutter to himself. "Although i don't know why i even bother anymore. Either she freaks em out or i do." He looked back at her with a scowl. "You know maybe if you didn't act all roboticy then they wouldn't want to take you apart. I mean hell, You've been around me enough to know how normal humans act so it shouldn't be that hard for you to atleast attempt to try and act like one. And what did i tell you about trying to figure us out? Don't even try. Hell i doubt anyone can figure us out. I mean take a good look around." He motioned to the wasteland that surrounded them. "We did this cause we wanted more resources. Makes perfect sense don't it?"
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Athina took everything Cale had said into consideration. "So... Blowing up buildings is normal human behavior Cale?" She thought for a moment, "I guess i could give it a try..." Luckaly there was no one in the general area, Athina lifted her palm and braced her arm with her other hand, she took aim at a nearby ruined car and fired. In a short moment the car caught fire, and not long after that it exploded, a small mushroom like cloud rising from the wreck. Athina grinned, obviously satisfied, "Could that be considered normal enough Cale?"
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"Yeah.. well you make sure u take care of those bodies.." Daniel shakes his head , then cautiously heads out of the alleyway. As soon as he turns the corner he bumps into Jacko who's face looked white


"What did he do now?" Jacko said


"Kill a few gu- Wait hold on, what does it matter to you anyways?"


"What do you think? I haven't eaten in a while.. So Scar kills em.. why put em to waste?" Jacko shrugs his shoulders with a questioned look on his face, then attempts to walk past Daniel who holds his arm up infront of him.


"Hey man! Let me pass!"


"LOW profile! What don't you people get about that?" Daniels eyes scan the town. Guards have begun asking questioning regarding the shots fired. His eyes return back to Jacko, looking as cold as ever. Jacko sighs disappointed, then nods.


"We're new here Jack, And from what I can tell of this place is that they don't see alot of violence aside from raider attacks. So anything out of the norm means trouble for us. And Im not talkin' about these would be guards."


"Regulators.." Jacko said with an unsatisfied smirk.


"Bingo. Regulators got riders from here to Cali. Now me and you both got bounties on us. If they get wind of our names and where we're from. We'll be in a world of crap." Daniel pats Jacko on the shoulder then passes him, heading towards the direction of the bar.


"Im gettin' a drink. Let it go man you'll get your chance when we are outside the gates." Daniel said.


"Yeah yeah sure.." Jacko kicked up some dirt, then walked down into the alley. He rested his body against a wall, then crossed his arms as he watched Scar.


"Need any help there scar face?" Jacko laughed.

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Matoaka was blindfolded, And only heard what sounded like a group of people, And they were arguing over money. She could not move her hands, They appear to be bound. She suddenly felt a hand grab hold of her arm, And pull her.


"Such a rare specimen, Do I hear 1000 Caps?" The voice of the person that was still holding her arm proclaimed.


"Here!" Someone replied


And so the bidding went on, Until someone bid 10000 caps for her. She was tied to a line along with several others, And walked to wherever her captor was taking her. After nearly an hour she could smell something in the air, It smelled like civilization, Or at least someone cooking. She could not walk much further, Her feet felt like they were soaked in blood, And covered in blisters. She began to pull her hand restraints back, But only managed to cut herself, And lose much more energy. Desperately, She pulled again, And with determination, Popped one hand free, And used her free hand to pull the other by grabbing hold of her already bloody wrist. Matoaka pulled the other hand free as well, And took off her blindfold. She immediately made a dash toward the emanation of the food. About a half hour later, She reached a small village, And she walked through looking for food handouts, Hoping someone would pity her enough to give her the slightest morsel of food. No real clothes, No shoes on her beaten feet, No money, No weapons.. Nothing.. She knew her existence might be over soon, As the captors would soon be on her trail, With hired help. She pleaded with people, But they ignored her, She made it up to a man in armor, With a Rifle, But collapsed before she could say anything...

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