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Fallout: The Rejects


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OT: This is more of a diffibulator post than anything...


Zephyr was still facing Athina when a beer bottle cracked against his head a drunkard had thrown it. He turned and faced the man he stood well above him especially with the moron collapsed on the floor and his legs on a toppled stool.


"You don't know who you're dealing with do you?" Zephyr said with menace, he drew his magnum already loaded with a new round he called "Punisher" munitions it was like his Rhino but designed to hold more radioactive isotopes inside a larger bullet with less powder. He shot the man in the chest watching with a snarl as the man writhed in pain from the massive dose of radiation poisioning the man would either be dead from the painful siezure-like spasms or succumb to the horrid infection from the round but none of his vital organs were pierced, Zephyr made sure of that. Mars crushed a man's skull after the ingrate spit on his tail.


Gazing around the hotel bar Zephyr's eyed roared a challenge to any who wanted a piece of him, his deathclaw or Athina when every soul in the place just stared in shock he said coolly, "We're done here," then tipped his hat to Athina, "Ma'am." and walked out with Mars a small roughcut business card fluttering in the air behind them as the duo walked towards an old abandoned diner outside of town.


The card read: "Zephyr. Shoot twice, thrice, then twice."

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"Well here I am again" said to himself Scar "Knee deep in $h!t"


Scar looked around the super mutants waited for a sign of movement then Scar ran the mini guns started heating up Scar was at the door he thought he would get away but then one bullet, two bullets, thousands of bullets entered his back he fell outside next to the door laughing as he threw a grenade in the door BOOM! chunks of guts and blood blew out the door.


"Well this isnt good" he said taking bandages out of his pack "Just like the old days aint it" he pulled some buffout out of his pack


"This should get me back to town" he said getting up and walking in the direction he came

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Zephyr sat in the ancient diner sitting on a stool with a dusty bottle of purified water and a punga fruit while Mars searched for some food in the rusitng building. Smoke curled from an old drum with a small fire burning in it. Mars at last gave up his search for something tastier than ancient salisbury steak and settled for a punga fruit from the ration sack. "Ugh, Zeph, when are we gonna get some real food? We used to have brahmin and mirelurk all the time." Mars sulked, he left out in Jolliet . He nibbled on the fruit he'd grown to detest so much after the years speared on one of his long talons.


"Soon old friend, soon." Zephyr said assuradely patting the moody reptile on the shoulder which was quite comical considering how fearsome Mars looked even when he was moping. The two companions sat in pensive thought for what seemed like hours but was in actuallity five or ten minutes when the rugged man broke the silence, "What do you think Mars?"


"About?" Mars said obliviously.


"About that android. And about Reckless, we've yet to meet him but he's here that's for damn sure. You and I could both smell the gunpowder from that alley and the blood he's here weather it's him or his group stirring up trouble I don't know."


"Look Zeph I don't know what to think. We don't know who these people are, or their intentions and motives. The guys downtown want them captured and Lara thinks they'd be helpful if we could get them on our side but we still don't know anything about them really except they're lead by Danny Reckless. That android though she was interesting I bet she takes us up on that calling card weather it's now or later. She's an enigma that one. Her programming is interesting not to mention her weapons systems are very impressive."


"How on this god-forsaken Earth do you know all that?" Zephyr asked in astonishment, he and Mars had travelled together for seven years and it still seemed like he learned something new about Mars every day.


"Mind control attempts have the queerest side-effects don't you think?" Mars said smugly.


ot: hey to anyone reading The West Wind's Cry time periods twixt that and this rp aren't accurate according to the date.

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"Almost there" said Scar as he walked into the gas station and collapsed on the makeshift bed


Scar was bleeding furiously the bandages had turned solid red " gotta go back"struggled to get up "ah there we go"


At The Front Of Town


"Danny should be in the bar knowing him"


"Almost there" Scar saw two guards just as they saw him "There! the murderer get him!" shouted the two guards Scar stood still reaching for his blade just as they reached him Scar did its job in one swipe two throats were slit, two lives ended, two family's crying, but Scar didn't think about that. They don't matter Scar is what matters that is how it is and has always been

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((My modem has been down So i couldn't really get on the nexus as usual until this past Monday when comcast came to the house :) sorry bout the delay))


Jack's eyes were the first to meet the unknown gunman. He was hungry, and with the gun pointed at him and Daniel his stomach turned knowing what would come from death. He calmly raised his hand to his mouth, slowly letting the other dangle down to the side. He smiled and shook his head with dissapointment.


"If only it were unpleasant believe me.." On his hand, was dried blood he managed to graze against when his hand left the womans hair. he licked his fingers free of blood as he watched the man - Jacks shoddiness slowly diminishing. Daniel slowly deframed from shaking the purified water. Not knowing the mans real intentions, Daniel thought he was one of the men in search of the girl. Not knowing, or caring if it was a misguided townsman who caught glimpse of something crass, and unknown to him.


"I don't think I can do that.." Daniel sighed, as his eyes left the girl to view to Jack, unaware of how he might react. He brought the cap back to the bottle of water and fastened it down. Unaware of the make of the firearm that was pointing at him, he doubted it wouldn't be able to pierce his hardened armor, but would cause certain death if the shot was to hit his head. His real concern, was for the safety of the derailed girl in her traumatized state. without a second though or glance, Daniel briskly pulled out his own 10mm pistol and aimed it at the man, in unison with Jacko sneaking up beside the stranger, with a combat knife bedded against the mans side. Jack laughed sinisterly and howled like a mad man. Daniel shhed him, and rolled the with the purified water still in the other hand, he steadied his aim on the man.


"Call your buddies off. This ones with me now." Daniel said. Jack smelled the man sensing something off about him, and as he towered over him he laughed.


"You really think this short guys a slaver? I mean come on man, This guy looks like he could barely catch a rad roach without stumbling over his own two feet." Jack said. Daniel held back a laugh, his eyes not leaving the man.

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OOC: sorry for the lack of responce from my end, mostly due to internet issues and Writers block.


Athina had just stood there with a blank face throughout the entire ordeal, mostly because she thought it the best course of action. She didn’t mean throwing that man out the door. She was still busy contemplating the odds of a talking deathclaw. At that moment she snapped back to reality and noticed a card on the floor. she bent down and picked it up, examining it like she did with most objects she came into contact with. when she was done she slipped it in a fold of protruding metal at her shoulder. Without another thought she stepped out of the building.

Just then her sensors picked up a rather inhuman sounding howl. Athina's primary programming kicked in and the change was instantly visible in her eyes. They no longer looked curious and innocent, Now they looked hard and determined. She did not know what really triggered the change.... but it usually happened when she knew there was a fight to be had. She faced the direction of the noise and launched herself off the ground with a frightening speed. She rounded corners as if they never even existed, in no time flat she had reached the source. The moment she saw the gun and knife pointed at Cale she instantly went into a sort of combat mode. She ran forward and with a single fluid motion she pointed her index finger at the gun, a single high powered laser shot the gun out from Daniel's hands, she leaped forward and skidded under him before landing a kick at Jack's lower stomach. the moment there was enough space between them Athina stood up in a defensible position, the palm of her hand starting to emit a threatening green glow. "Miss me much Cale?"

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Zephyr sat with Mars in the ruined diner taking in the scene far below. The actors looked like ants but the drama was easily seen from their unlikely vantage point. The bursts of light and energy further impressed the scarred veteran and Mars was alert unlike his usual lax self this was a Mars who was intently watching. His impressive intelligence usually cared little of the world around him pondering abstracts or occasionally formulating combat tactics and strategems but this, this was a rare moment. Never before had either being witnessed such advanced tech not even the Enclave could produce such awe-inspiring and precise weaponry especially in an android. They watched spellbound as the scene unfolded.


"Damn." Mars commented, "Lady's got spunk, not to mention firepower."


"Jeez" Was Zephyr's only reply with his dropped jaw as his empty bottle clattered to the floor of the destroyed building.

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Ath probably Saved Jack's life with that kick cause Cale was about to make him regret his words. He was about to say something to Ath when he felt pressure in his chest. He looked down and noticed a new hole in his shirt. It didn't take him but two seconds to figure out what had happened. When Ath shot the gun out of Danials hand it must have gone off. Cale growled. "Great.... I liked this shirt." He looked back at Danial not once taking his gun off him. "Now.... I'm gonna tell you this one more time.... Step away from the girl."
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((I got permission from Roman Legion to take control of her character so we can move the story along. Shes swamped with RL situations so when shes able she will jump back in :thumbsup: ))


Jack stumbled violently to the side from the brute force of the kick. After a few seconds passed, he held his gut and coughed out a small amount of blood. His stomach, continued to throb in pain; staggering his movement, and clouding his thoughts at the same time. When his mind was clear enough, he looked to the new comer, with a grim stare. His eyes boiled with fierceness.


"Well I'll Be.. A freakin robot." Jack said while tasting his own blood. He sucked the crimson, and licked it from his lips as he backed his way towards Daniel, who was stretching out his hand in a circular motion. Jacko looked towards Daniels sidearm, the 10mm pistol, which was laying on the ground - smoked, partially melted, and it let out a faint hiss from the laser blast that barely missed Daniels own hand.


"You love that gun.." Jack said as he turned his sights to Daniel.


"I love that gun.." Daniel replied. His eyes were glued onto the gunman, Only catching a glimpse of the woman from his peripheral. He smiled, and shook his head as he watched the man pointing a gun at t him.


"Try and save someone.. and This is what happens?" Daniel said sarcastically.


"Don't you think we would have killed you when we had the chance if we were really trying to Hurt this girl?" Daniel asked, his eyes studied the two of them. He lowered his hand to his side, motioning to the lambasted woman.


She stared out, completely still and motionless with a blank, faltered look about her. Her messy long black hair covered her eyes, and they could not see the dried tears, etched down her cheeks, along with the ones forming. Maybe she believed those that were after her were in her reach? Or that these new bodies were out to harm, or ravage her in another manner? She didn't know. All she could make out were the sounds of gunshots and the talking.

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Zephyr regained his composure after the first bit of fireworks and shook his head violently side-to-side. He rose from his seat with his usual calm and began walking into town with his massive companion walking behind him. The duo was quite used to sneaking and skullduggery from their past exploits and had grown so used to being quiet they walked without making a sound. They walked to the end of the alley Zephyr muttering to Mars, "I'd rather see how this plays out but we've got objectives after all-much to my chagrin." rounding the corner Zephyr made the point of letting his magnum clink every so softly against his armor to draw the attention of the parties in the alley way. Based on the description given to him by his employers, former employers now...I'm done working for those pigs, Zephyr thought, and from Lara the man nursing a sore hand was none other than Danny Reckless.


Mars continued walking when Zephyr had stopped and made a point of stopping in front of the cowering girl and shielding her with positioning himself to shield her with his body should either of the groups be disposed to bring her harm. "It's alright little one, you're safe now, no need to be afraid." He said softly to the girl surpising granted his immense size and usually gruff voice.


"Danny Reckless. A pleasure to be sure. Ordinarily I wouldn't interupt but Mars and I have a soft spot for escaped captives and we've got business to discuss." Zephyr said matter-of-factly then tipped his fedora to Athina, "Ah madame we meet again and I see you have a companion, pray tell I didn't get your name last we met and what would this fine man's name be?" Zephyr continued cordially.

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