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Fallout: The Rejects


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Athina glanced back at Cale, her stance still in the defencive, however her face had softened up abit to that of her normal self. "Sorry... there was s alight possibility of 0.558 percent that it would misfire. I thought those to be good enough odds." She shot a glare to Jack. The one thing that she hated... that she absoulutely dispised, was being called a Robot. "Theres a big difference between a robot and an android dear sir. And need i remind you that androids are a whole lot more intelligent and comprehensable than that of a run down rust bucket." her glare intencified and a threttening toneslipped into her voice, "Now i kindly ask that you take that back..."

Not even moving her glare off Jack Athina took note of Zephyr. "Athina. first and last of the Orion project, Type X37. And whether my companion would wish to revieal his name to you is his own decision." If not for the circumstances Athina would have given a different reply, but the whole Robot thing was messing with her sensors, each one sending out a different reading. Her AI told her to lash out, while her back up system told her to restrain herself. However with each passing moment her AI was gaining ground in the clash of the two systems.

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"So be it!" Zephyr laughed heartily ammused by the android's agitation at Jack. As he stopped luaghing he causually gripped his magnum like a vice should things get ugly.


Mars put a great clawed hand on Jack's shoulder, "You best take it back Jack or there'll be more trouble than any of us want." He said in his low gravelly voice it was an honest tone not one of implied threats and daring. Mars then sniffed the air and the stench of blood there were fresh killings. He took his fearsome talons from Jack and quckly scooped up the girland placed her by Zephyr without a word he gave zephyr a look that said 'I'll be back.'


Mars turned the corner and saw Scar in front of the bar. His piercing gaze was well accustomed to looking into the fathomless depths of people's hearts and minds and he knew Scar's story all to well, just from looking at him. He had been through Hell and he had come out with a strong sense of self-preservation and he looked after himself. There was no mercy given to those that stood in his way and he could tell from the way Scar looked at Mars's tracks that he was no friend to Deathclaws.

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Cale rubbed his chest and growled at Ath. "What did i tell you bout going with the odds? Never trust them. You know how things are with us. If there's even a one percent chance of things going wrong they probably will." He glanced over at the newcomer and growled. "Well ain't this juuuust perfect. Who the hell is this chick? Seems to be pretty popular to have all these guys after her." He aimed his gun at Zephyr. With Ath watching the other two he could focus on the new guy and his deathclaw. "Ath you know this guy or something?" In all the excitement Cale didn't notice that the bullet wound had started bleeding alot more than he thought it would. It hurt a bit more too so with his free hand Cale dug into one of his pockets and pulled out a stimpack and injected himself with it. Luckily the stimpacks work almost instantly so the pain in his chest started to lessen a bit.
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"Look I can kill you in a heart beat but then you won't do me any good so I'm gonna make a point of missing you." Zephyr said with sruprising venom as his magnum was out in a blur with a round flying past Cale's head and slamming into the side of a building leaving a 2 foot diameter crater. All this transpired in less time than it takes to blink. ".44 magnum round. High explosive and it'll pop your head like a balloon. Like it? I've got all kinds of nice little toys like that and they all hurt a Hell of a lot worse than some pathetic 10mm round. You wanna topple over from an extreme dose of radiation poisoning? Just ask and I'll pump a few rounds in you or I can punch a hole through you with a bullet that makes power armor look like paper. Don't get on my bad side. The Enclave has done a fine job of it and I've got the ranks of every one I've ever killed." Zephyr spat tossing out a satchel from his kit that spilt out on the ground privates, sergeants, captains, colonels and one prestigous patch that of a general everywhere nearly a hundred of them littered the dirt. "I've been to Hell and satan spat me back out so don't you dare think you can take me. You might have the balls but you don't have the guns or the ammo." Zephyr was filled with rage he and Mars had been through more in a decade than most in their entire lives even out here in the wastes and the arrogance of some guy with a chip on his soldier because he was short was not going to be allowed to talk about him like that. "Name's Zephyr by the way. Now I suggest you start talking civil before I lose my composure." Zeph returned to his normal coolness.
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"Danny Reckless..? Whos that?" Daniel asked sarcastically as he crossed eyes with the new comer. After letting out a playful laugh, he wondered as to how this stranger knew his name. Hes never encountered him, or the Deathclaw before. Not durring his days in Talon company and not since he left the Capital wasteland. Only people that would know his name that Daniel wasn't aware of would be the ones looking to collect a bounty he figured. Daniel watched The two men, And then left his attention on Athina.


"Android huh? No kiddin? Well since you're obviously the brains of this operation.." Daniel smiled, and winked to the man with the gun wound.


"Why don't you tell your friend there to lower his weapon before someone gets shot.. Again." Daniel pointed to the girl still too shocked to speak.


"I was trying to give her water.." Daniel motioned to the bottle of water still in his hand. then extended his arms as if asking for permission to give it to her.


"May I?"


After the clawed hand pressed up from Jacks shoulder, the deathclaws grim voice echoed threw his head. After snapping his fingers to Jack, Daniel finally grabbed his friends attention. He laughed, and turned to watch the creature leave.


"What the hell was that?" Jack said to the others with a deeply concerned look on his face.

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Cale looked at Zephyr and couldn't help but to start laughing at him. "Wow... You sure are something else.. Zephyr is it? Wow. I like people like you... I really do. Classic macho man kinda guy." Cale started speaking in a mocking tone. "Grrr look at me. I'm big and tough and act all moody and have to prove that i'm a badass and that you shouldn't mess with me." Cale looked back at him and shook his head and chuckled. "Amazing. You know.. If you're gonna shoot me... Then quit telling me that you can and just do it shesh. It's not that freaking hard. Watch." For a split second his right eye seemed to glow before he fired a single round at Zephyr. The bullet didn't hit didn't hit him but grazed right past the side of his head taking off a bit of skin and hair as it passed by. Cale then casually walked up to Zephyr, Grabbed ahold of the barrel his 44 magnum and held it up so that it was pressed right up against his forhead. He had a pissed off look on his face as he spoke. "Now... If you're going to shoot me.. Then shoot me. But if not. Then shut up and stop acting like you're top of the damn food chain. Cause in all honesty.. I'd say that the girl with the freaking cannon for an arm is."
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Zephyr laughed and tapped Cale on the forhead playfully with the barrel of his gun. "Aren't we the little hypocrite?" Zephyr chuckled, "-no pun or offense intended." He added. "Look don't talk to me like you're some big shot like you accuse me of acting. I won't kill you because I could gain caps or some entertainment by leaving you alive, your fancy little cybernetic eye doesn't impress me , I've got these-"Zephyr paused gesturing to his scars, "And I gaurantee they're much more valuable and were much more painful than you're little cyborg enhancements. I shot that hole in the wall not because I feel like some kind of badass but because I've got a loaded gun in my hand and you pissed me off, when I get pissed off I shoot stuff and I shot a whole in the wall behind your head. Don't piss me off and we can stay on friendly terms. But you talk down to me and I don't give a flying poo if you'd give me five thousand caps I'll pull the damn trigger and blow your brains out because I've been through enough I don't deserve that and I don't take it." Zephyr's voice remained quite cordial through his whole retort and managed to assauge his itchy trigger finger.


Zephyr cocked his head over his shoulder with a lopsided grin, "Yeah, I bet you haven't Danny. Former Talon merc, would-be Reilly's Ranger, and now some wandering mercenary for hire with a gaggle of pals and misfits alike, nah you're probly not the Danny Reckless I'm lookin' for you certainly don't have the winterized combat armor with blackoned talon emblem on it that's his trademark, nor that fancy rifle they talk about or the black hair nope. You think I'm lookin' to collect a bount on your head yeah?"

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Athina iturned her glare to Daniel and switched it to Zephyr for a moment, she sofnted slightly to her normal gaze and she let out a laugh, "A direct hit from a missile wouldnt be able to keep him down for long there buddy. And me... well..... lets just say you would have a better chance of me developing flesh and turning into a human." she slipped teh card from teh fold of metal. "And i think you should be keeping that. seing as i probably have no need for it. having already memorised everything on it.." she flicked the card right infront of Zephyr. she let out a slight chuckle, "And if you do decide to pull that trigger, all youd probably do is piss him off." she had righted her posture but the palm of her hand was still glowing a bright green ready to be fired at the first sign of trouble.
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Daniel laughed slyly as he watched them. then he continued to step towards them with his hands extended out to his sides, showing that he was no threat. He knelt down to the girl, as he kept his eyes on Athina, and he began to Unfasten the cap.


"As much as I love a good fight.. I know when to back down." Daniel winked to Athina. He smirked as he nodded his head to Zephyr.


"Thats me - Danny Reckless, in the flesh.. So, You did your Homework but why? You got a thing for following around Mercenaries?" Daniel laughed as he carried on.


"I mean.. I've been wandering for a while now. Pretty low key. So you must have done some serious digging to track me this far from DC. Recon like that.. Impressive. So whats the deal? You're no Regulator. If you aren't looking to kill me what do you want."


Daniel moved the black hair from the woman's face, and placed her long locks behind her ear. He was very calm and pliant with his touch, making sure not to alarm her. He tried to make eye contact, then waved his free hand across her face. Her stare was still blank for a moment. Until she blinked, in an attempt to dampen her dry eyes. Her eyes met with Daniel's after a moment, and she wasn't sure what to make out of him. It was blurry at first, her vision. Only making out his silhouette. after the cloudy visage passed, she made out The dark complexion of the mans face, and his wirey hair lifted by a black bandana. Daniel smiled to her, and raised the water bottle to her dried lips. Without saying a word, she grabbed hold of it, not knowing, but sensing of the bottles content. She began to cautiously gulp it down, Then Daniel stood up.


"And if you people aren't slavers. Who are ya?" He turned to Athina and the other man, taking note to them, and what Athina had said before. Direct Missile fire.. Daniel thought to himself. Maybe these two, Androids from the commonwealth he wagered? Daniel has encountered models from the place before - But not like these.


"What the HELL was that damn thing?!" Jacks eyes looked anger and he grunted his teeth. He held his hand against the hilt of his shishkebab, causing the unflamed sword to let out a steaming hiss.

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"That 'thing' is a Deathclaw, a very intelligent one I might add. He's genetically modified beyond that of your average Deathclaw. He's got vocal cords and he's got more brains than most humans." Zephyr said with contempt to Jack. Then he looked Athina in the eyes, "Everything has a weakness weather it's conventional or not. And frankly I don't give a damn if either of you can kill me, you'd be doing me a favor. Death doesn't scare me, I'm not a child. Death is peace and that's more than anything you could ever find in the wastes."


Turning his head to Danny, "Why? Simple. You're a wanted man. But relax the price on your head doesn't concern me." Zephyr said as he put his magnum back in its place, not without putting a new, black round into the single empty place in the chamber.

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