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video setting


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This happen after a Nvidia Driver update.. Now oblivion doesnt want to even restart the settings. I wondering If I have to turn off all the mods to make it save or what? Just an odd happens.. Maybe system restore


change the setting to what I desire, exit... as it even requests. Come back everything is back to default nothing has change I am.. bffttt at the whole matter

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This happen after a Nvidia Driver update.. Now oblivion doesnt want to even restart the settings. I wondering If I have to turn off all the mods to make it save or what? Just an odd happens.. Maybe system restore


change the setting to what I desire, exit... as it even requests. Come back everything is back to default nothing has change I am.. bffttt at the whole matter


If you've changed your video settings and exit the game then find they revert back open the console and type "save ini" without the quotes. Then you can exit and the changes should be permanent.


This can happen if your game crashes and any changes you've made don't stick.


Also you can try to get the game to detect your settings from the Launcher on the DVD if you have it and not the digital version of the game. But, if your video card is newer than the game release date it's likely it won't detect it correctly anyway.


No need to turn off mods or use System Restore.

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