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fallout directory


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so for fallout- re animated and enhanced blood mods, the author says that it must be extracted into the fallout directory.. is this C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout 3? ( obviously i have fallout from steam ).


before, when i put fallout 3 re-animated there, nothing happened, no change in animations. so i'm guessing that's not it. but ihave no idea what it could be can someone please help me!

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so for fallout- re animated and enhanced blood mods, the author says that it must be extracted into the fallout directory.. is this C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout 3? ( obviously i have fallout from steam ).


before, when i put fallout 3 re-animated there, nothing happened, no change in animations. so i'm guessing that's not it. but ihave no idea what it could be can someone please help me!


you need (link)-> ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated or Fallout mod manager (in manager use toggle invalidation button and click apply)


Without it you won't see any changes

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Correct path for re-animated - common\fallout3\data\meshes\characters\male\inside must be 30-40

"Gamebryo Animation Files" and another folder "locomotion"

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i'll try that out. thanks a lot.


2 questions though: do i do the same for the blood mod?


and is the re-animated mod going to show up in FOMM?


installing enchanted blood:


1. extract it into common\fallout3 folder (if asked to replace click yes to all)

2. this will add "Enchanted blood files" folder into your fallout folder, open it and choose one of the 5

esp files (full screen blood, larger blood,etc) copy ONLY ONE of them.

3. go to fallout3/data folder and paste it


Simple- textures folder and one of esp's must be in fallout3/data folder


re-animated: No it won't show up in fomm (it only replaces vannila animations)


EDIT: Also there are some optional files in "Enchanted blood files"/"Optional" folder.

If you want to use some of them just copy/paste them into fallout3/data folder

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