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Modding help - headshot increased damage


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I'm sorry if this is not the correct place to ask this, but couldn't see a more appropriate section...


I have been adding mods to Fallout 3 for a second play-through, but was having trouble finding a mod I could use with my current mods which allowed for one shot head-shot kills (for both enemies and myself). So, I have been trying to create my own, but have run into some troubles. I have managed to make it so that most people in Megaton will die with one shot to the head, but Jericho still takes vanilla damage from shots to the head. I was wondering if any of you have any tips or suggestions for how I can overcome this? I am assuming it has something to do with followers needing something else editing than other NPCs in the game. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great.




(EDIT: So far I have just gone into the "body data" files, and edited the damage multiplier up to 15)

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I don't know too much about modding, but I do know that if you're just turning up the base headshot damage, that might not do too much for heavily armored enemies.


I know that Jericho in Megaton has a crap load of armor, that might be it. Sorry if this doesn't help.


EDIT: I went looking and found some cool mods that might interest you: "http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1827", "http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1204", "http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1814".


There you go, hope that helps, if you haven't already fixed what you were doing.

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Thanks for your reply, it's appreciated. I had a look at the mod suggestions... but they either change too many other things (such as VATs accuracy) or do not increase the head shot damage enough (for how I'd like it). Im basically looking for a simple mod which will increase head damage by about 10-15x.


And the suggestions about the armour mitigating the damage... it's possible, but it seems that on Jericho the damage hasn't been increased atall from vanilla, whereas everyone else in Megaton will die in one shot from a 9mm. I dont know much about modding, but wouldn't it at least do more damage to Jericho than in vanilla? It seems like some other value needs changing for Jericho (and possibly others).


Thanks alot for your reply again

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