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Fallout 3 Permanently Frozen (Xbox 360)


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Title says it all. I'm at the exit to rivet city, and the game freezes anywhere between 10 seconds and a minute or two. The only previous save I have is inside Rivet city, having just completed Stealing Independence for Abraham Washington.


Also, every time I try and fast travel the music continues playing for about 3-4 seconds after I choose my destination. Then it goes to the loading screen, and where there is usually that circle with the line going in a circle inside, its just the empty circle....


I've tried everything I could find on the internet: Clearing the Fallout cache, clearing the entire hard drive cache, downloading it to the hard drive, deleting all my DLC and reinstalling it....


The disc is fine, no scratches at all. I can play all of my other games without any freezing at all..




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