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Adding new creatures and a few issues


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This is my first time modding Morrowind, so I am creating a small mod that adds a few new creatures to the game. Though, these creatures are meant to be different-colored variants of the norma in-game creatures. I was able to add them into the game by creating a new creature in the construction set and copying a creature's attributes to the new creature (for example, copying the CS attributes of an Alit to the new creature "Shiny Alit"), along with making a copy of the creature's .NIF file and changing the textures it uses in Nifskope. Afterwards, I added them in by insterting them into the game's leveled lists. They spawned perfectly fine and they had the right animations, but afterwards I began to have some problems.


I chose to use the Alit to test if the mod was working, waiting near the two alit spawners near Caldera until the Shiny Alit spawned. Once it spawned, I went to attack it, but it had a few problems. When it ran up to me to attack me, it would run THROUGH my character and then appear in front of me again to bite me. Also, I noticed that the Shiny Alit was much faster (which was probably causing this), even though I set it to be equal to the speed of the normal Alit, which is 42 (I used the GetSpeed command in the console to verify it, and both the Shiny Alit and the normal Alit that spawned near it had identical speed). Another side bug occured, though I don't know if it was related to the mod or not. In the game's menu screen, something odd happened to the text (in place of "Strength", it said "sattributeStrength", on the magic tab it said "sMagicTab" instead of "Magic", etc.)


All I did was make a few extra creatures with identical stats and near identical NIFs to the normal in-game creatures, along with adding them to the game's leveled lists. What exactly us causing these bugs to occur? Is there an easier way to make a duplicate of a creature and edit it?

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Speed is dependent on Speed, Strength and Encumberance. Check all those. If all of them are identical, then something might be wrong with animation. I have very limited knowledge on NIF files so I might not be the best person to advice on that.


Those "sattributeStrength" are due to GMST contamination.

When you create a mod with only Morrowind.esm, the CS dumps 72 GMSTs from Tribunal and Bloodmoon into your mod due to a bug in CS, which causes variety of problems. More info about GMST contamination here -->CLICK

In the future, load either Tribunal or Bloodmoon while creating the mod. Then later you can remove the dependeny using Wyre Mash.

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I checked the Shiny Alit's stats, and its strength is identical to that of the normal Alit. The only item in its inventory that the normal Alit doesn't have is a small leveled amount of gold. Could that be causing issues when calculating movement speed?


I didn't load Bloodmoon or Tribunal as master files for the mod, so thats probably whats causing the text strings to show up (along with non-draining stamina while running). I'll try cleaning the mod up using one of the tools.

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I checked the Shiny Alit's stats, and its strength is identical to that of the normal Alit. The only item in its inventory that the normal Alit doesn't have is a small leveled amount of gold. Could that be causing issues when calculating movement speed?


If its just gold, then it shouldn't matter. I don't know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried removing the gold but the interaction problems persist. The shiny creatures are still moving too fast (just their general speed, the speed of their animations is normal), they run through my character several times when running towards me and they glitch out when interacting with non-flat terrain. The creatures have near identical NIF files to the original counterparts (but with them set to use different textures). What would be the "correct" way to duplicate the creatures? The only shiny creature that seems to work correctly is the Shiny Guar, and that uses an unmodified NIF already in the game.

Edited by Karatekid5
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