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Issue with The Wardens Women and Origins 4.9

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I am having a major issue with these two while trying to start new games in Dragon Age: Origins.


I had them installed but found I did not care to use them, so I uninstalled them both. My problem is..despite the fact that I have deleted them from every where on my computer, any new game I try to start each time, the game continues to recognize those mods and will not let me play just a normal regular game.


I have even went so far as to uninstall NMM as well as DA:O itself, but so far nothing is working.


Please, if anyone can tell me how to fix this, I would greatly appreciate any assistance.



Edited: The problem is mainly Sappho's Daughters, Origins 14.9, Sisters 14.9 and In Search of Raina. Despite the fact that I have uninstalled these, a new starting game will continue to recognize them and the npc's as well as conversations will continue to show up.


Edited: Also, I am understanding that in BioWare Social Network that in order to make sure a MOD is uninstalled, I would need to unsubscribe to the project? Well, I have done that as well BUT Arl Howe still wants to continue to bring up the fact that my FEMALE Cousland is wanted to be seen by his daughter.

So what am I doing wrong here? Sappho's Daughters, Origins 14.9 and mainly Sisters 14.9 continue to haunt every single one of my new games I try to create. It is extremely frustrating and taking the joy out of playing DA:O.


Edited by GoldenAngelHeart
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Alright. I have figured out the fix and worked it out myself. All is well with my game again.


Please, if someone in charge of the forums could remove this post, that would be great. Thanks!

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Oh no. You have to tell us what fixed things!


Nothing is more frustrating for others who encounter the same issue than finally finding a post about it only to see, "Figured it out... All is well." with no explanation! :laugh:

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I had to go deep into my core files that also held a list of the mods I was using and remove it from there. Turns out it was Origins 14.9 that was giving me all the trouble.

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