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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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I made an overnight stopover in Chorral on the way to the Imperial City. In the morning I was doing some trading when two dogs ran past me, looking like they were up to typical doggy mischief.


I later overheard a woman complaining to a guard about them. He did not seem too concerned though and said they did not bother him.


Even if it was scripted, it's little details like that which make this game great.

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I was in the Arcane University, and I saw students sitting down in the lecture area. An instructor was walking up there, so I took a seat (which made the npc next to me react to my presence and stare at me...sorta freaked me out, but hey I was in full armor maybe he thought I was odd) and I proceeded to hear a lecture on the nature of Runestones. All this happened while in an actual lecture hall, sort of ironic hehe.

Oblivion, the only game that recreates sitting in class! But with armor!

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lol, thats class... I've only had 4 hours play as I'm using my m8s pc untill I can uipgrade mine, but went on a mission to kill a bloke and his aide in one area, went in dead of night stealth on, the guys standing on the other side of the door, so unsurprisingly we spend the next minute rather noisily trying to kill each other. I take him down and wander into the main room to find his partner has slept through it! To kut a long story short, stealth on and arrow in the back of the head sending him flying off the bed, lol. That entire bit just made me chuckle.
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wow, that's really cool, I'll have to check that out some classes at the u.


I was in the Arcane University, and I saw students sitting down in the lecture area. An instructor was walking up there, so I took a seat (which made the npc next to me react to my presence and stare at me...sorta freaked me out, but hey I was in full armor maybe he thought I was odd) and I proceeded to hear a lecture on the nature of Runestones. All this happened while in an actual lecture hall, sort of ironic hehe.

Oblivion, the only game that recreates sitting in class! But with armor!

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Oh there are so many, where to start...


My first time buying a horse was highly amuisng. I was told the stable hand would have it saddled and ready outside, so I ducked out of his shack to "use" the first horse I see with a saddle, `cause that had to be my new horse right? I had it in 3rd person mode at the time and obviously couldn't see the red horseshoe. So I got caught, but was annoyed by the whole indicent i figued I'd make a break for it and resist the arrest, as you do...


Anyways, I took a swing at the guard but hit the horse in stead, then the guard crys "We've got a madman here!" after which I buckled over with glee and my poor character is beaten into a bloody pulp. I think the horse even hit me back at some point, but everyhing after the madman crack is kinda fuzzy. Most events involving running from the guards are generally amusing.


The vampire hunting quest had some amusing twists for me. Playing a theif I'm bad in a fair fight. I manage only if I get that first strike with a poisned arrow. Anyways, I screwed up and had 3 vampires after me at once, I knew I was beaten so I turn tail and high foot it outa there thinking, "It's ok, I came here when it was daylight, they can't follow me outside". So I get outside and it's night already... crap! I make a dash for the river/lake thinking, panicking, "vampires can't swim" or something confused with witches and water and drowning. Oh hey! I forgot i had these water walking boots! Sweet! I equip my detect life helmet (usually don't wear it cause it looks so silly, and I'm a vein theif), and see 3 purple-pink blobs sawrming under me. The AI attack pattern when under water usually attackes from directly beneath (I did some fishing this way previously, unfair but highly amusing), so killing them was a matter of sidestepping and shooting lots of arrows down into the water at the purple blobs.


Anways, water walking + detect life is an amusing way to fish or kill anyone who's chasing you (which is usually everyone except defenceless deer). Anything you kill underwater will eventually float to the surface so you only have to dive in if you need to loot a sword or axe someone dropped (some weapons float, like arrows, but I doubt a sword would). However, don't try this with a troll, they'll likely regenerate too quickly as you only get a few decent shots at them each attack run.


I also had an amusing time time last night doing the pale pass quest, listening to the countess rave on about all the Akarvai (spelling?) artifacts on display in the great hall when I'd flogged and hocked them all the week before. Someone should make a mod that allows the NPCs to react to theft, not just the guards when you get caught, but the victims when you manage to get away with it!


I knocked over the jewlery store in the Imperial city one night and made off with around $2000 worth (had to lift the key to the display cases off the owner whilst he was asleep upstairs). I strolled in there the day after and naught a peep was mentioned about all of his inventory vanashing the night before. So much for for my glory basking... I mentioned I was a vein theif yes?


I haven't managed to hit Rinder's (spelling again?) Staffs yet, as some dude in a white mage robes stands right outside the door holding a staff all night long. He then goes inside when the shop opens in the morning and comes out without the staff he was holding. It's most strange. I think it's the mage who makes the staffs that Rinder sells or something, but he's always in my way, curse him! I believe the AI gets the time the shop closes wrong, cause he always turns up about about an hour after it closes and waits untill it's open. An amusing quirk, but I'll hunt down a strong enough chamelion scroll/potion to get past the crack pot eventually, mark my words, no shop is safe.

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My funniest moment so far (though I've not had much of a chance to play) was when I was in a cave full of goblins. I shot a fireball at a goblin shaman, but instead of attacking me, it clobbered it's friend standing nearby, they proceeded to start fighting each other. I just stood back and watched, chuckling.
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I was able to sneak up on a bandit bowman and steal his bow. When he realized what happened, he turned around and attacked me with the only other weapon at his disposal: a crappy iron dagger. I can only imagine his frustration as I backed away and shot arrow after arrow into his body.


The "grab" key has also provided me with nearly endless amusement.


As soon as I found I could pose bodies, I got a little carried away. Perverse, even. You can see the results of my labor here:



:blush: Note: the above link contains nothing you couldn't see in the course of normal gameplay, however it looks naughty, so I caution viewers of a sensitive nature.

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Oh oh oh oh oh, speaking of friend clobbering, I've got a couple stories.


I was on a quest to draw out a robber on a highway so we could deal with them. I start strolling down the road, my friendly NPCs following at a distance, and I notice a guard in front of me. "Oh good, he will probably help," I think. So the robber pops out, attacks me, and all the NPCs come to my aid. However, as soon as said robber hits the ground, the guard apparently didn't like that my friendly NPCs attacked without provocation, and he went at it. They both died, and the guard resumed his rounds. Made me feel really bad, so I kept reloading until the guard didn't interfere at all.


And this other time (warning there are possible spoilers here, so I will try to be vague on details), I was riding towards Bruma and saw a bandit in the middle of two Imperial archers. I guess he couldn't decide who to chase, because they kept firing arrows at him and he stood and took it. Now, I did see the occasional arrow miss and hit the other archer, so when he died, what do the good Imperials do but attack each other? Even when I try to step in and take the hits, they do not stop. Eventually, one of them died, and the other took off into the woods at full sprint, I think chasing a deer. Later, I left town, saw him STILL running through the countryside, and he came to help against a wolf that I got in a fight with. Aww, thanks, guy. Time went on, and I was sent on a quest to take out some spies based in Bruma. I was waiting around where they were supposed to show up, waiting for nightfall (which is when they show up), and suddenly I see a message pop up: "I have killed the first of the spies, I should go tell the captain of the guard." Whaaaaat? I look below the ridge I was perched and hiding on and see the archer booking it at full speed, off after another deer. Danged crazy archer took out the NPC before I even saw him!

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Ratfactor? Seek help. Immediately ;D


The only really amusing story I've had so far (aside from the usual mistakes one makes while swinging a sword about; they should know better than to stand near me) was when I rode out of Chorral (I think), and just as I rode past a boulder an arrow whistled out of nowhere to stick out of my horse's flank.


After a second to marvel at the AI, I got off, at which point the horse barrells over and clobbers the hapless bandit to death. So once I've looted the body, I turn around to get back on the road, when I notice a second bandit, who'd apparently had a tiff with the bow-wielding one, lying dead in the road clearly riddled with arrows. That was good for a laugh.

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