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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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At the Battle For Bruma, everyone is unessential, everyone. That is, unless you're smart and save Corruption and Conscience until later. Then, Ulrich Leland will be essential. However, he's the only one.


I rememeber. I lost cpt. Burd, one of my fav NPCs, in that battle. Also Jauffre passed away.

It's really sad to see those corpses still there, as if no one cared about them...

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recently in the canals under the Imperial City: a rat flying across th whole room......:-D


that Jauffre may die is hard, because I hoped to get a higher position in the order and I like him. but I always trie saving him with spells or strong swords. that works! I'm afraid in case of his death there's no greatmaster because this position is announced by the emperor.

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I remember one funny moment that happened in IC market. I was walking around the streets searching for some repair hammers in the barrels and suddenly I heard some screems. I hide behind a barrel and watch as 2 "essential npcs" where fighting for apparently no reason. While they where knocking each other over and over again one of them cast a shock spell and accidently killed "simplicia the ??"(beggar). People where screaming "murderor" and some guards came trying to solve the problem but it only got worst. They attacked the killer witch apparently had some friends and his friends attacked the guards causing a total masacre. After almost half an hour the "KILLERS GANG" won the fight but the streets where full with corpses. My thief was more than happy becouse there where tons of items lying around. After selling them he got drunk(used mod here) and spend all his money on vine.


Mayby it doesn't sound that funny but if you se this in-game it's hyllarious.



Cheers! :biggrin:

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I remember the funniest incident for me was at the Arcane University, one of the Wood Elf teachers was giving a lecture on enchantments and stones or something like that, and I come and sit down next to one of the aprrentices. I talked to her, and when i ended the convo, every1 got off their seats and left, and the Wood Elf was awkwardly standing there like talking to himself, you know like one of the loser business men who give those advices and lectures on "new business tactics!" yea..
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I was going up to Skingrad to complete the Mage's Guild apprentice task when I saw 2 Imperial rangers trying to kill each other. So I stay and watch, then one of them dies. I go over to try to take his stuff, but I am encumbered. So I strip the dead guard to nothing and drag all of his gear next to the wall. I sold my current armor and replaced it with Legion armor.


Also I find it funny that all of the NPC's will only resist arrest, instead of going to jail or paying the fine. And to finish it all off. I find it odd when you walk into a city, with 20 arrows stuck in your body, and no one seems to care.

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Yeah, it was really hard seeing Burd go. That guy's a REAL Nord. So many of those jerks in Bruma treat the Nords with such sickeningly little respect. It was nice to see such a high-up Nord in the local military ranks.

And that's funny, how?

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So many funny things about Necromancers -


So, I was doing the 'get your mages staff' quest for the guild, and after merrily chopping through a bunch of necromancers the old fashioned way, I come to an exit from the cave in which I was chopping in.


So, another necro walks up to me and is all like


'Ima necromancer, and after brutally murdering you, I make your corpse dance! Muahahahaha!"


I promptly give her a power-chop, sending her flying several meters across the island. I proceed to annihilate her cohorts in the same fashion, get the wood for my staff, and stroll away as if this was just another day on the job.

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