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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Well I was beating up Heironymus Lex, when one time I decided to swim while he chased me. I had 100 Athletics so I beat him back to shore. Then I see on of those Lex is unconscious, messages so I go in the water. There is Lex being swarmed by six slaughterfish, and losing. So I help him out, and take a couple out, but leave. Finally about three game hours later, Lex limps out of the water with no cuirass, and walks right past me. I justed laughed at him as he went by, beat up by slaughterfish. ;D
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This isn't the funniest thing that has happened to me, but its the only one I can remember just now. I had just left the flowing bowl in Anvil, when I got outside I saw Hauls-rope-faster and thurundil duking it out in the street. I was thinking to myself what the hell when a guard desides to come a stop the fight, thus ending Hauls-ropes-fasters life, and leaving me in a predicament since I can't get his training. :ph34r:
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Not my funniest moment, but-


I remember that I was talking to this Nord guy (forgot his name, of course), who was in the Anvil Fighters' Guild. I asked him about Anvil, and he said that "We Nords like it here because of the ships and sailing. Or, maybe because we're tired of freezing our asses off in Skyrim (sorry, moderators, but that's what he said)". Then, a guard comes in and yells "You should've payed the fine!" at the Nord. The guard killed the Nord, and walked off. Every time I ask the Nord about Anvil, a guard comes in and hacks him to pieces. I wonder if there's a "No Cursing" law in Anvil...

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Ok here is my newest escapade. I was in Fort Nikel when I saw a marauder, I fired an arrows into his body and watched him die, then all of a sudden commotion breaks out :excl: The marauders turn on the bandits and arrows are flying everywhere. After five minutes of watching them tear each other apart one bandit is left for me to pick of. I cliam my spoils and chuckle to myself as I leave. :ph34r:
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For some reason, when I was playing Oblivion, a Legion Forester was trying to run away from himself (or so it seemed) for killing a deer :ohmy: . Also, I remember seeing two Foresters shooting at the same deer, but they both missed and hit one another! They then had a small feud, which ended in them killing each other at the same time :ohmy: ! Strange... but I also remember the Uderfrykte Matron (go to Dive Rock) comitting suicide off of Dive Rock. Well, half suicide, half accident...
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Another thing I forgot I was doing with my evil Nord Engar...I was in the prison district killing the guards to rack up infamy. I went into the other prison section inside the jail building (not the one you are in at start of game), all of a sudden I see Audens Avidius (corrupt watchman) run out of his jail cell in prison outfit and attempt to arrest me!


I found that laughable that someone who got busted for shaking down the shopkeepers in the Market district would try and pull his own vigilante justice against me :D


How does Audens escape if he is not in the same cell that the player was in the start of the game?

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How does Audens escape if he is not in the same cell that the player was in the start of the game?






He just does. That's how it's supposed to happen. Or, maybe he bribed the guard some, uh... bread.


I also remember I went to execute the Adoring Fan off of Dive Rock, and he fell (dead) like he was saying, "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!


Did I mention the thing about the guard killing the Nord in the Anvil Fighters' Guild for saying "... asses..."?


I can't remember anything else.

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I busted Claudius Arcadia out of jail by casting Touch of Rage (or whatever the level-18 frenzy spell is called) on him, after which the prison guard ran to his cell, unlocked it, and started beating on him. After a few seconds of this, Claudius fled.


The second time around, I chased after him, killing him halfway through his fading-out at the door. Does anyone know how to determine where he goes, short of following him through every cell he enters?


EDIT: I think I'll try making him a quest target.

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