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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Well, I assume I have to make this thread even larger, with a little experience that took me offguard. :)


Anyway, You all know those bridges in the Oblivion Gates? The ones you have to pull levers to extend them? Well, I was being chased by a small bunch of Daedra, believe it was 2 Xivilai, 1 Spider Daedra, and 2 Dremora Valkynaz. (I think it was them, forgot the strongest of all Dremoras :unsure: ) Of course I could turn around and blast those little critters with my nifty 'almost' instant-kill spell, but I was too lazy, so I leave the tower and was the next moment standing on one of those bridges I mentioned. It wasn't extended, so I was trapped. (Well, I could jump down, but, seriously, I don't want to break the leags of my character! :happy: )


And of course those idiots had to follow me, but instead of spawning in front of the door, wich I blocked, they spawned AT THE SIDE instead! It was rather funny watching them all fall down into the lava as well as the rocks. :P


Sometimes, RadiantAI is the BEST! ;D

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THe funniest thing i ever did was spawning the adoring fan (Hate the *censored*) on Dive rock. Turn the mod crazy steel arrows on (It makes the steel arrows do 60 damage and get a air speed velocity that is jus idiot!), turn tcl on and shoot him from right above him in his head! He slaps to the ground and bounces into the air! Later i found him impaled in the Cheydinhal city gate! :P
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My most amusing moment thus far was when I was finishing up the quest for the Mages Guild in Skingrad. Adrienne, the chapter leader there, tells you she has barely any time for you, she then sends you off to find out what happened to Erthor. You travel out into the great forest, rescue him and bring him back. On his return she tells you she'll send in your recommendation and tells you she hasn't much time to talk. She then begins a conversation with Erthor about cheese, among all things to talk about when you're "too busy to talk" she talks about cheese. It's conversations and such like that, that make me love this game
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I guess I have had my share of funny incidents also.


I was doing some DB quest and ended up killing someone on the street and of course the guards noticed, well I decided to go all the way from Leyawiin to Imperial City to pay my fines to thieves guild. I just ran out from the city gate and went to take some horse, by mistake it wasn't my own horse and the guards didn't quite like it. But by this time they still didn't have tried to arrest me or anything, they just ran after me, so I couldn't quick travel. So I took long way to IC and when I was crossing some bridge a highwayman tried to steal my money. Of course I told him to take them if he can and kept riding. Finally when I arrived to IC the guards attacked me, and since it wasn't midnight I couldn't pay my fines yet so I ran away and by mistake I landed on the pirate ship causing all the pirates to attack me. Well the guards thought that pirates were bigger criminals and slaughtered them. After they were all dead guards just ignored me and I went happily to pay my fines. Still the whole incident wasn't over, I decided to go raid some caves I found near Imperial City and guess who I found after I came out of cave? The Highwayman had followed me all the way from that bridge to the cave. First I was suprised but when I realized that it's the same guy I started laughing so hard that he killed me... Sad end to such a legendary escape.




Then another one when I was exploring some Ayleid ruin with some other guy. Well the place was full of wraiths and my friend always charged to them attacking like mad. It just wasn't meant to be long life for that kind of guy. We entered some room where there were wraith on the other side of the room. My friend goes charging towards the wraith but fails to notice a trap in the center of the room and ends up being crushed between raising floor and spiky ceiling.




It never fails to make me laugh when NPCs start chatting and first one goes and says:

"Have you heard any news from the other provinces?"

Other answers: "Nothing I would like to talk about."

and finally: "Oh, good to know."

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Ooh, yay! I remember this time when I was creeping through Fort [insert forgotten fort name here] with a bounty on my head. There were vampires and undead in the fort. So, I heard an Imperial male's voice, and went to go kill the "vampire". I saw he was a Chorrol Jailer! He saw me, and I had to run away. However, thanks to my two hundred fifty points on the Speed attribute, I out ran him (and then some fast things). Then a Legion Forrester arrested me (oh, boy, MORE running!).


Hey, rockmanjunior... what's with the Japanese people in the third picture? It looks like they're reverse-vulking.

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There are only two I can think of.



In the first oblivion gate near kvatch, I was on my merry way to the blood fest, whhen I happen upon a stunted scamp filled with Dremora Field arrows.I searched around a bit, and I found a Dremora Churl floating in the lava.



Now, to find that kinda made me think because scamp fireballs don't throw corpses that far. Then I remembered I had the physics of the game altered using a mod. What was really wierd was that I was nowhere near the battling duo. So either the scamp insulted the dremora's mother (which would be difficult, given that scamps can't talk and dremora are excedingly grotesque), or a human from the siege of kvatch went through before me, again improbable, but not completely impossible and the scamp hit the churl or vice versa, and it caused an...altercation.


In another event of strange AI, It was about 5 a.m. game time, and I was walking out of the Inn of Ill Omen with my head held high and my dagger coated in Rufio entrails. I spotted a Dark Elf all bloody with arrows in her stomach walking on the road to Bravil. a little further along, there was the body of two bandits, a guard, and a wolf. I won't even try and guess what took place, but I obviously missed something fun.



In regards to the Unicorn, don't be a fool. That horn hurts, and it IS aggressive.

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lol I was messing with the console and I ended up "flying".


I use the tcl command (toggle colissions) while i was swimming with my head above the water.

Anf then I was abble to fly using the Swiming animation.

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Talking about swimming... Well I just had gotten my +50 acrobatics boots's and were jumping around Imperial City, somehow I managed to get guards angry and they all came attacking me. I just jumped to the water and bounced to the otherside. Maybe the guards thought it was amusing and decided to leave me alone, but after I came back they just attacked one poor civilian all of sudden... That seemed kinda unfair to me.




Another one when I was trying to steal everything I could from Norbert Lelles in Anvil and somehow he wake up during the process and alarmed the guards. I went running all way to Bruma to pay my fines. Well when I arrive guards start to attack me and I run to the house where all the thieves guild guys are, when I got in guards started fighting the thieves guild and Ongar ran away in terror. Appearantly some guy got behind a door that couldn't be opened without key. Well the guards finished rest of the people in there and tried to get in the room where this final guy was, but couldn't get in because it was locked. I'm standing there in the middle of this everything wondering what the hell just happened and when I see these two guards running into this door over and over again, I just couldn't stop laughing.

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At a certain quest which required me to go to a certain prisoner who had called me an animal at the very start of the game (I'm an orc, not an animal!) and kill that certain prisoner...


I arrived when the guard left and talked to him and he asked me to let him out. I thought hey, what the heck lets see if he runs and bumps into a guard which then kills him... so what I did is I lockpicked the door to hit cell and opened the door. Just how gratefull was he? He attacked me! Well since I had a strong mace and armor and I was an orc and he was barehanded without armor we can all predict what happened...


Radiant AI sure doesn't make NPC's more thankfull... or wise in choosing when to run...

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