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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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After I committed my first murder this Lachance guy came up to my bed and told me to kill some old guy named Rufio. I went to that small inn in the wilderness and decided to play it smooth. So I chatted with bartender, even rented a room for the small amount of gold i had. Then i found that Rufio was supposed to be in a room downstairs. I walked slowly up to his bed and took my sword and cut him in the face. But then Rufio jumped out of his bed and ran back up from the basement. I wasn't going to let him go away of course so i followed him. When the bartender saw me running after Rufio with a crappy iron sword in my hand he yelled at me: "I don't want your kinds in my inn, now get out" he took some giant sliver warhammer and started bashing me with it. Then some black chick came in and started punching me. I felt pretty defeated so i ran out of the Inn, but no, there was some legion forest practicing his archery skills. He just slowly turned around and started shooting me instead. I was almost dead and Rufio was long gone in the forest so had no other choice to yield the forester and go to jail.
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This is something i eksperienced while testing something in the mod i'm doing. It needs to play without the borderlines, so i took them off, and discovered taht behind the mountains i were using a big forest was placed. And i was thinking: YEARH! This is perfect for a hunting ground. Then i wanted to see how big i was, so i ride (on shadowmere) longer away from the borderline. And suddenly all the trees are gone, and the ground and the mountains is nothing else than dirt. Hmm from the Jerall mountains to the Desserts of Sahara?! So i continue. And suddenly i fell of the edge of the world. And you know what? The egde of the world is leading to: The bottom of the world. A complete flat dirt world. Well Shadowmere was hit unconsius big the big fall but soon recovers. So i press Q and start riding beyound the world. After half an hour (i read a book in the meanwhile) i desides to ride back to see what happens. And so i do. After ten minutes i find myself surrounded by water and my breath-meter sinking drammacticaly fast. And i think: poo! onmounts Shadowmere at starts swiming up. As i reach the surface shadowmere dies permanetly by drowning. So i start swim back. After about two minutes: BAM! No water! Its all gone. And im VERY high up in the air. for a second im just standing in the air, and one simple thought goes through my mind: Dam! Then i fall a bigger distance than jumping from dive rock, and dies. But at the moment i die i arrives back in the forrest where it all started besides Shadowmere which is slowly recovering.

So what do a i do after a trip to hell? I open my constrution set and start looking for walls.....

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All of the IC residents talk about Amantius Allectus' murder when I click rumors. Just today, I went to his house to rob and I found him walking around. I was like ... o_O ... I thought he was dead? Then I talked to him to see what was up and in the rumors part he said the same thing!! 'Amantius Allectus was killed in a burglary...' ... lol wtf ??


I didn't kill him during the thieves guild quest so i'm not sure what is going on... a bug?

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All of the IC residents talk about Amantius Allectus' murder when I click rumors. Just today, I went to his house to rob and I found him walking around. I was like ... o_O ... I thought he was dead? Then I talked to him to see what was up and in the rumors part he said the same thing!! 'Amantius Allectus was killed in a burglary...' ... lol wtf ??


I didn't kill him during the thieves guild quest so i'm not sure what is going on... a bug?

Rumors aren't always correct. They're rumors.

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I like playing with the daedra in their own towers so i did these two things:



1.Not the funniest of things that i did but i power atacked a dremora in one of the main towers and he slid very slowly underneath the railings and down to his lava and centrepiece of the towery demise. And this was about hmmmmm... five floors up from the bottom - not even a splash!


i also killed a dremora and held him by his foot over a 50 foot drop down the centre and i said(real life) whos the tough guy now eh?

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I have had many funny incidents...unfortunately I can't remember any of them :P !

One time, however, I had the cursed Adoring Fan following me. I decided to test his loyalty to me by taking him into the relm of Oblivion...of course he died ;D . That's not the funny part, though. The funny part is what happened after. I was sneaking through an aylied ruin silently cutting down the opposision with my bow, when I saw a torch light comming from behind. At first I thought Oh no! I've been spotted but then I realised... wait a minute...I don't hear any ominous music nor do I feel the sting of a weapon in my backside.... I turned around..."AHHHHHH!" I ran down the hall as fast as I could. It was HIM! It was the Adoring Fan! But...but...I SAW HIM DEAD! I saw...him dead...I... [real life] I fell out of my chair I was so scared. [/real life]. It was quite funny...not for me though :P .

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Here is a good one. I was returning to the priory after finding Martin, and saw a mythic dawn agent chasing some one in my direction. so i ducked behind a tree and crouched down, a few seconds later the guy ran past, followed by the MD agent. as soon as he went past, I jumped out and got him with a sneak attack, and right before he died he managed to say "what did you do that for!" ;D I know people say that the AI is slow, but come-on this guy was mildly retarded.
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Thought I posted this, but apparently not.


When I first entered Chorrol, the local MD agent decided to attack Glistel (I think). After I killed him, I asked Glistel about the latest rumors...only to hear something along the lines of "Do you believe that cultists were behind the Emperor's murder, and are opening Oblivion Gates throughout Cyrodiil?".

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