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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Well, here's a good one of my most recent guy. A couple, actually.

Right-o, so my Argonian lady needed some extra firepower since instant-kill sneak attacks don't work so well with MMM (too many creatures to kill!). SO... I went and made a new series of spells in Benirus manor (modded to refurbish the basement and interior). My first one of the Kill spell series wasn't so great. I accidently did Frost 1pt 10ft 99s on target, but the lightning only on touch. So, from what I could tell, it was only working when I was next to a guy, which annoyed me until I figured everything out.

Kill v2- The same frost effect, but now lightning 100pts 10ft 1s on target (this one is kind of draining on the Magicka reserves). Well, testing it out on the hapless citizens of Anvil, starting with blowing people off chairs in the bar, got to be an hour long pastime (I had loads of Welknyd stones). Anyway, I got bored of that after a while because the lightning didn't actually do area of effect, except when pointed at the ground (everything would shoot straight up and NPCs took the damage).

Kill v3- I used some rage spells here, too, because it was funny. Anyway, the usual except without the area of effect, and lasting 7s instead of just one. WELL... it was different. For starters, the spell knocked people over without killing them instantly, which was... different. I know I don't have any spell effects that do that, but I did mod spells to go at near-instant speeds (can't see them, even with Focus mode enabled with mods). So, I'd blast a guard backwards, he'd start to get up again, and then fall down with a "Blarg!" before he was on his feet. The rage spells made the guards largely ignore me, dealing instead with beggars taking out their troubles on, well, everything, so I had plenty of time to test it out.

And now, the weird and/or funny part: I cast it on an invincible guy, and it started to lag. First, his torso, still connected to his legs, shot backwards, but his legs stayed still for a second longer, resulting in stretching. Next, he struck a lamp post, and stuck there by his neck. Out of curiosity I shot him with it again, and his chest randomly stretched over the entire street, with his head still stuck to the post and his legs back to where he'd been hit earlier. Note, by the way, that this was a LARGE street, really a mini-town square. And he literally covered it. So, I waited till he came back from unconsciousness, and he was back to normal instantly. I shot him again with the spell, and right back to street-covering. Then the captain of the fighter's guild in Anvil came over, and I blasted him onto a roof, to his consternation upon coming back (only essentials and respawners were left at this point).

So, yeah, that's the gist of it. I still use that spell, just not on massacres in case of weird glitches...




What else? Well, Ruined Tail's Tale keeps being mean to me. I gave Ruin my best light armor, enchanted it with lots of awesomeness, gave him every kind of weapon he could want to use including some of those Elven Sabres and Longswords (he uses them, actually). But, strangely enough, his pants keep glitching. I repair them to 100% one time, we go into a fight with a single bandit, and his pants are broken again. "Oh, thanks, Ruin, your pants are broken AGAIN? I might actually want some of these repair hammers, you know." I gave him a staff of paralysis to hold one time, but he never used anything else (even when the enemy was paralyzed) so I took it away. What else... some mod conflict prevents me from entering Anvil now, because Ruin's quest needs me to go there but I gain CTD whenever I either A) Load Anvil B) Walk too close to Anvil's outdoor space C) Walk around in Anvil for more than 30s-2min (Also, weird noises pop up everywhere while I'm there, like swordfights and grunting, but without fighting people). Anyway, nothing conflicts according to OBMM, but custom races don't work either, even with the fix, so I don't know what's up. But it's funny to have to restart Oblivion every time I forget and try to go to my house there.

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Recently i thought it would be fun to try the thieves guild since it is the only guild i have never tried. Went to the garden at midnight and recieved the quest to steal the diary. It made me dissapointed i couldnt murder anyone. I got sidetracked and went back to the dark brotherhood quest. I recieved a message on my way to Cheydinhall that the Wood Elf girl got the diary. So i just thought i give up and go on a killing spree. Turns up that i killed the wood elf while on my spree. I searched her and found the diary. I then quickly ran back to my house to hide the diary. I went to jail and went back to my Watterfront home to get the diary. Turns out the male without a father Agronian took it and won. The B****h!!!!
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I got another one, it happened while my internet was down, so mI was travelling with Countess Alessia Caro right (By a mod), she was on her horse, I think I was and I was faster then her, when I realized she wasn't following me, I turned to see her down the road, I walked back to her to see something strange, her head seemed to be making a strange movement, I get closer and she turns around and I almost jumped, I was like Supernatural moment! because her head was rocking forward and backwards very fast, if any of you have watched Supernatural's episode Proviance, you would remeber the little girl making that movement with my head, and Alessia had totally reminded of her, I was like "Oh my god" so I ran....Okay I didn't, I decided to put the Countess out of her misery and pressed console, I think I killed her white horse, so she would be off of it and her head returned to normal, my character just started at her for a moment after that.


Talk about Supernatural moments seriously

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I wanted to do the tutorial dungeon again, so I started a new game. Just before Baurus went through the door at the beginning which separates the player from the emperor, I pickpocketed (don't know if this is correct, I'm not English) him and stole 3 strong potions of healing. Surprisingly it worked and he didn't do anything.


However, when I remet with the emperor and he said his guards shouldn't attack me, Baurus just went beserk. He started attacking me, with the other guard and the emperor doing nothing. I tried to yield, no use. So I started running through the entire dungeon, with Baurus on my tale.


He was a bit to enthousiastic though, and hit the emperor. Uriel got mad, pulled out his dagger and attacked Baurus, who was still chasing me. Man that was a crazy fight, with the other Blade just watching Uriel attacking Baurus, Baurus attacking me, and I running for my life.


All of a sudden, Baurus accepted my yield and stopped attacking me. Uriel was still in a frenzy though, and kept attacking a Baurus who didn't do anything back. Luckely I managed to stop him, so the story could continue.


I took me about half an hour to get both NPCs to stop attacking, but I sure had fun looking Uriel attack Baurus





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-That's a good one, has anyone ever tried killing Uriel at the beginning before the Mythic Dawn has a chance to? I never have didn't know if you even could but it would pretty humorous

He's essential up to the point he is killed by the assassin (Oops. SPOILER WARNING!!! :P) so you can't do that :)

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-That's a good one, has anyone ever tried killing Uriel at the beginning before the Mythic Dawn has a chance to? I never have didn't know if you even could but it would pretty humorous

He's essential up to the point he is killed by the assassin (Oops. SPOILER WARNING!!! :P) so you can't do that :)


Someone should make a mod to fix that just to see what would happen. Would be funny to see the assasin come through the seceret door and be like, WTF????Where did the male without a father go???

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yea or make a mod where you kill him and then you are the feared murderer of the emporer over all of Tamriel so you build a companion army lead a full on attack on Cloud Ruler Temple murder all of the Blades and then use it as the new safe haven for your new evil army therefore basically controlling all political activity in Bruma.


Also something else to try i just thought of. *SPOILER WARNING* before even going to find Martin what happens if you just walk up to Cloud Ruler Temple? Do they attack or are the gates just locked?

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