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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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Those pirates in waterfront were really funny. They keep singing when i go neaar them. I talked to the female pirate and she said she would kick my *** if i stepped on the ship. So i wanted to see what would happen i stepped on the ship, pirates are attacking me, i summoned aa xiliviati and the female having drown her sword, saw my summon, and she chose just to run away!! :D After killing the pirates she left behind, i keep chasing her around imperial city, and she keeps running away. That was really interesting.
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my most amusing action up to now is this - got into a very dark cave (thx for the light spell ;-) i got from a ring or something at DB) somewhere above leyawiin, i think it even was close to bravil. started in sneak mode just to exlore and check where the enemies are than changed the spell to chameleon or invisibility - i don't remmeber which one...

now i get directly behind the strongest of the bandits - a big orc heavy amrored with large weapon. still in sneak mode i take my bow and carefully target a nearby enemy (i believe that the orc might as well be a vampire judging by the claws but heck it didnt matter). thanks to sneak kills this sleeping bandit was killed right away, the orc haven't even noticed me... maybe because i cast chameleon on self riht after shooting ;-)

still standing behind him i suddenly hear a turmoil coming - what the heck again - some other bandit must have seen the source of the arrow and got the whole group coming this way and shooting and yelling. the orc however stood still just like a rock taking the damage and shooting his arrows at them. he simply almost killed everyone when i stole his warhammer and a dagger. he run out of ammo before killing the last one of the bandits beside him... thus only bare hands were left...

and heck another glitch - he made a suicide run - yelling he pushed in the direction of a few traps... and his comrade still shooting at him got after him... soon i saw 2 bodies being thrown across the room ;-)

since then i'm using only my bow and an arrow ;-)

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Today I decided to test out my nice new rage spell on a tavern full of people in the Imperial City. The results were hilarious!


At first they just fought amongst themselves - one of them was a mage and he kept summoning zombies. Eventually they all randomly ran out, which was a bit wierd, but then the carnage began!


The Imperial legion soldiers swept down on them all, cutting down people who weren't even involved! for about five minutes all I saw in that sector of the city were civilians running around screaming for their lives as the IL dealt out their zealous purge. At this point I was also running around ressurecting people via the console - at which point they stopped fighting or running away. After the guards had killed everyone at least once, they stopped...


...Instead, they began a huge fight amongst themselves in the middle of the street! The Chaos lasted quite a while and 6 guards were slaughtered, a couple of civilians and a beggar (who ended up being cut down mercilessly by two soldiers) also joined in again. After everyone had stopped - I ressurected the civilians but not the gaurds (who respawn anyway - I sold all their armour though) while laughing my head off.





Edited by Vaanic~One
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While exploring, i found a dead troll floating under a bridge. I found a note on it's body that said: me wurst troll evur.....people don't pay toll......i'm nut scarry enuff. :unsure: I think it commited suicide. :(


It's true. Other people on the net have seen this as well. :D


EDIT: Oh and Vaanic, best story ever mate!!!

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Just finished up a quest involving a Necromancer, issued from a small tavern north of the main city, when suddenly I hear a thief behind me being called on taking something from a bag. When I turned around, all chaos broke loose. I, of course, stood back and just watched, not wanting to get involved. As a consequence, the following happened...



First, the legion soldier took on the thief... but, in classic bar room brawl style, everyone else had to get involved... in the end, even the barkeep got involved with the last of the troublemakers...





But, alas, the poor, innocent Legion soldier who was simply doing his job, lay dead, the barkeep and her sweetheart standing victorious over the troublemakers.




I'm just glad I didn't get involved. No bounty for me and I get to raid the corpses and add another guard uniform to my collection(I found another guard dead in another city, earlier. As best I can figure, the physics engine flipped out and sent him flying, because just as I entered the city I saw something fall out of the sky... then found a dead guard).


Rest in Peace:

Imperial Legion Soldier



Brucetus Festinius


And yes, at least 2 of those are related to a certain quest involving a collector.

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Even though this was a planned incident, it was still funny. I broke into a lot of peoples houses in bravil and took away all the food and gold there. I also stole all the money and food on the characters themselves. Then i went to the nearest inn and stashed all of the food in one of the chests.


I wait a few hours and see if anyone is here. I see three characters sneaking, trying to steal food off the table. One guy gets caught and goes invisible. I wonder where he had gone. Five seconds later he appeared sitting on a chair, eating an apple as if it was legal. After the other 2 got caught as well a guard ran in and killed the two. The third character took another apple (guess he was hungry) so he was killed as well.


Some time i'm going to rob the whole city and put all the food in a beggars bag....

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Jackhammer crab of annoyance.




I was sneaking down to back-stab umbra with a gate crystal spell boosted sword... I was hoping for a 1 hit kill as I was very worried about fighting her toe to toe...


It's dark and quiet and I'm creaping along the balcony above her room so I can sneak up on her and WHAM! "You must DIE!" comes from BEHIND ME! I almost fell out of my chair I jumped so much!


I _KNOW_ I cleared out the dungeon completely on the way in...


WTF?!?! Hey! It's the corrupt guard I helped get arrested in the Imberial City... He escaped from prison and tracked me down and found me right then...


So OK, Umbra doesn't notice the commotion... Odd...


I go to search the body and find a dead mud crab laying there next to him that wasn't there before. All I can figure is he brought it with him for some unknown reason and dropped it when I killed him.


I do a quick save at that point just to be sure no OTHER surprises screw me up as I go after Umbra.


Well, I then decided to talk to her to see what she had to say (prety cool stuff).


Ithen decided to go back to the quicksave so as to simply sneak in and backstab her as per my original plan.


When it reloaded, the crab was in a slightly different position and the claw was stuck through an opening in the door. The physics engine decided the claw shouldn't be in there and started trying to "bounce" it out.


The crab starts vibrating and bouncing around like it's being electrocuted by the claw stuck in the door. Each vibration bounce caused the metalic "something-has-hit-the-door-clank". Played at high speed like that, it sounded very much like a jackhammer breaking up a sidewalk...


I tried grabbing the crab and pulling it away from the door but it was totaly stuck.


Umbra, standing maybe 15 feet away? Totaly oblivious to the comedy show going on...


I gave up screwing with the crab, snuck down and killed her on the second hit (sneak attacks RULE!)



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