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Funny Oblivion Incidents


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That's awesome, gman. I feel like restarting my game just to try that.


The emperor's ghost is haunting you, making sure you complete your task.


Oh, and when I did the Breaking the Siege quest, I found Berich Inian in the Tiber Septim hotel in the Talos Plaza District of the Imperial City, miles away from Kvatch. I talk to him and he draws his sword and starts running all the way to Kvatch. Slowly.


EDIT: gman, provide some screenshots! :D


Well, I was going to provide some screenies, but my save file became corrupted! :(



I couldn't manage to do it again either... well, maybe it'll happen sometime...

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There's a few funny things that happened to me. The first one starts out normal. I get arrested. After like 2 weeks, I get out of jail. "AH, I've served my time!" But then, a guard runs up to me. And just stands there. I come back to see if he's still, chasing me. I get by a wall, he sees me and says "Why won't you dye!" He doesn't move. I go again, he sees me and says "HEY!" "Hey stop that!" Some glitch. So, I have some fun. Hes like "You dare appose the might of the Imperial..." I move, go back, "Legion!" Ahh, funny. ;D



The second one was I was caunght killing someone at the Arcane University. This guard follows me around! I run, he chases after me! I talk, he arrests me, and I run!

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At Fort Cedrian there is this little Bridge over the small River. On one End of this Bridge can be a Bandit. In this case a Bandit Bowman spawned there and happens to see a Slaughterfish which is underwater.

He tries to shoot Arrows at the Fish, but it couldnt care less. The Arrows from the Bandit dont make it very Far under Water, so he just keeps shooting Arrows there until time stops.

I went there to check the whole Scene out with 100% Chameleon. I could see the Arrows hit the Waters Surface, then beeing slowed down by the Water just to re surface again. Since the Bandit has, as any NPC, an unlimited Supply of Arrows, the things where piling up at the Surface above the Slaughterfish. Swimming through that sea of Arrows makes you feel like an Icebreaker :D

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Speaking of funny stories, I have a couple. One day, I was playing around with the console. I end up making 20 mercenaries (hostile), a female arena gladiator, and 300 legion centurions. They fight, and some how the guards attack the female. She kills em'. I waited (T). After 8 hours, I saw bodies every where. Hell not have fury like a woman's scourge.


The second was I had made like, 100, 200, 400 commona tong archers. They fought the Imperial Army. The archers kept shotting at the same time, so if you have seen 300, imagine that many arrows in Oblivion! The poor guard stood his ground. But then, I stood nest to him, as I was. The archers fired, and his body was filled with arrows. :blink:

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One day, I played Oblivion from the beginning. I used TCL and got out too quickly. But as I get out, Baurus follows me, and keeps saying, " GEt moving prisoner." WTF? It kept happening. So, my game was messed up! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
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  • 2 years later...

Well, I've only been playing for a few days so far, but I also have a small collection of totally random NPC moments. Nothing too different than what has been mentioned here.


Leaving Bruma, I hear the combat music then spot an Imperial Legion soldier up a ways on a slope. I figure "Oh hey fine, he's here, so I will just jump on into the fray, or at least run up and see what's going on." So I charge up there confused. I see no bandits, and I see no corpses anywhere. Realized that the two IL soldiers were just waling on each other with arrows, and shouting like psychos and I was caught in the crossfire. Got a couple of arrows in the ass for trying to be a proactive citizen.


Also had a run-in with the "infamous apple thief of Skingrad" I know we're all thinking of the redguard guy in the blue coveralls. I was on Glarthir's silly paranoia quest minding my own business at the stable while some peeps had sat down outside for a quick dinner. Literally a MOMENT after some turkey thief walked by and muttered that Gray Fox was with me, the gate guard went apeshit.The stablehand starting shouting in distress and the guys jumped up from eating (INCLUDING the other thief). I didn't even get a chance to see what he stole that time, in front of us all, but he ended up dead against the stable fence. I also have a strong suspicion that the other thief largely contributed to the murder. Guess they don't follow the thieves code in Ol' Skingraft.


I don't know about you guys, but when I got the magic dagger on one of the early Dark Brotherhood quests, I just couldn't help but giggle when my enemies would fly high into the air in slow motion when they died. I can practically run under them after stabbing them with it.


I've also discovered that even a low level character in sneak-mode will NOT be detected by an NPC without a torch in a dark area. Even if said NPC is TRIPPING OVER YOUR CROUCHED FORM. I don't exaggerate. The guy literally shoved me out of the way and I thought I was done for sure....But no, he continued on as though he'd sensed nothing.

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Something that made me laugh pretty hard. I have the mod that improves the skinless dog and makes him useful and revive eventually after death so he's like my own little "omg they killed kenny" friend. :)


Anyways I was in a temple-like dungeon and was at bottom of a flight of stairs in sneak mode and a giant spider woman thingy was at the top and I was waiting for her to turn around. My little doggie started growling though and as she turned around and started walking away he ran in and attacked it. He had low HP already and the spider just turned around and smacked him so hard he flew up into the air and ricocheted off the ceiling and into the ground and rolled down the steps and layed dead next to me. ;o

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For some reason unbeknown to me, I was traveling with the Adoring Fan. I placed him outside the mouth of a cave, and then ran in and did my thing. I came back out to find him lying dead there on the ground, with some minotaur stalking around outside. Now, fast forward several months later, and with an improved Adoring Fan mod. I did the same thing, but came back outside to instead find a dead minotaur, and one rather smug looking wood-elf. Training: it pays off.
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