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raider, fiends and other human are weak


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I am running the game with rwd weapon damage standard version, its supposed to make the game harder, which it does but only in the of the game, once you get combat armor or the advanced mk2. most human npc with normal weapons wont do much damage anymore because the dt blocks the damage entairly. I need a mod which make dt work more like dr but without becoming like dr. The good thing with dr is you will always recieve damage while bad thing is it reduce every kind of damage in the same manner it doesnt matter how high the damage output. I need a mod which mixes dt with dr

For exempal if I wear 20 dt armor, it should only protect against 80 % of the incoming damage as longest the damage is below the dt. once the damage is above the the maximun dt, it shouldnot comply anymore. But I only want it for my armor to be that way otherwise it makes enemies propably to easy. I hate when legion, ncr or fiends barely do any damage


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