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nu mou race mod


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this is an update 2 the final fantasy race mod i posted awhile back in this topic i will the races abilities and powers i want added as well as height and voice in final fantasy tactics advance game manual the discription read that the nu mou can understand the flow of magicial power and read it's signs for the race powers the constant power called arcane well gives the race 1000 magicka cause the spell fingers of the mountain costs over 1k mp the next power is called arcane growth it grants the race 500 mp on level up the 3rd power is called arcane eyes a lesser power simliar 2 life detection but the power detects magical energies that is near the race mod the height of a adult nu mou i'll explain it this way put a human and a nu mou side by side the nu mou comes up waist high 2 a human they hav a bever-like tail the fur is white as snow the voice i want with it is khajiit but with high elf script lines i'll be a happy player if this mod is madeas well as the ones mentioned in the final fantasy race mod topic minus the burmecian race mod it's been made already
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