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"You can't travel now, you're being hurt!" - Skyrim


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So, I was playing the dragonborn dlc, right after the dragonborn and neloth leave the dwarven building, Miraak's dragon was there, so I started fighting him. Now, I have the mod: dragon combat overhaul installed, which gives 20% of chance the dragon calls reinforcements, and this dragon did, so, my screen was with about 15-20 dragons and I was having to take them one by one. When I killed the last dragon I tried to travel to Skaal village, but a message saying: "you can´t travel now, you're being hurt" showed up so I could not travel. I walked to skaal village, made everything I had to do and tried to travel again, now to skyrim, the same message showed up.

Can Anyone help me?


PS: sorry if I made any silly mistakes regarding english.

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being -in combat- disables fast-travel, "you're being hurt" is different from the "you cannot do that while in combat" message that I get though? do you use a mod that alters notifications? if not, perhaps it's a lingering statuseffect one of the dragons put on you while you were fighting them? do your dragons have any special abilities/attacks that might cause prolonged damage over time/status ailments?

Check your compass, does it show any red dots on it? -ANY- red dot, no matter how faint and far away the aggressor, means you are in 'combat mode' and cannot fast travel.
Check with console for a command to display your current combatstatus (player.isincombat or something similar?) and see if you can flush/alter it either through entering a building or flushing the combat status by forcing it or disabling the offending aggressor npc.

That's all that springs to mind first, except of course disabling the dragon combat overhaul mod as a last resort.

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being -in combat- disables fast-travel, "you're being hurt" is different from the "you cannot do that while in combat" message that I get though? do you use a mod that alters notifications? if not, perhaps it's a lingering statuseffect one of the dragons put on you while you were fighting them? do your dragons have any special abilities/attacks that might cause prolonged damage over time/status ailments?


Check your compass, does it show any red dots on it? -ANY- red dot, no matter how faint and far away the aggressor, means you are in 'combat mode' and cannot fast travel.

Check with console for a command to display your current combatstatus (player.isincombat or something similar?) and see if you can flush/alter it either through entering a building or flushing the combat status by forcing it or disabling the offending aggressor npc.


That's all that springs to mind first, except of course disabling the dragon combat overhaul mod as a last resort.


So, I reloaded the last save I made before killing the dragon, killed, he did not call any other dragon, but I still can't travel

I have a mod called TTYM(talk to yourself messages) which only changes the messages so it looks like the dragonborn is thinking.

but they are two different messages, I tried traveling while in combat and the message said, "I can't travel now, I'm in combat", and when I killed it the message switched to "I can't travel now, I'm being hurt". And I need to fix this, because I can't leav solstheim and go to skyrim if I can't travel.

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hm, well it should be a player status then... -should- hopefully be fixable through console although I am not too intimate with the commands list

try typing 'help' to view a COMPLETE list of available console commands (pageup/pagedown to scroll)
when you see a function/command that might be usefull type 'help nameoffunctionhere' for details

I know you can recycle NPC's by selecting them and typing 'disable' and 'enable', not sure whether this'll work on player character though (game might think you died or it might not be allowed/functional)

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hm, well it should be a player status then... -should- hopefully be fixable through console although I am not too intimate with the commands list


try typing 'help' to view a COMPLETE list of available console commands (pageup/pagedown to scroll)

when you see a function/command that might be usefull type 'help nameoffunctionhere' for details


I know you can recycle NPC's by selecting them and typing 'disable' and 'enable', not sure whether this'll work on player character though (game might think you died or it might not be allowed/functional)

I checked the commands list and none of the commands I thought that would help didn't. I also turned TTYM off and the message says: "you can't fast travel while taking health damage", but my health bar is not droping, and god mode and immortal mode are disabled so... But I think I can travel to Skyrim without fast travelling, if I go to Raven Rock, If i really can then there's no problem, but I still want to fix this error.


EDIT: I found out what the problem was, my char was glitvhed, guess I'll just create a new one, that's good ^-^ this way I can staart my let's play series, thanks anyway man!

Edited by SgtBreaker
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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 years later...

I looked around and found that of you do "player.resurrect 1" then it lets you fast travel and wait again. This is for people trying to find what to do and find this post whilst searching the internet.

I know I'm necroing but thank you SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU.

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hm, well it should be a player status then... -should- hopefully be fixable through console although I am not too intimate with the commands list


try typing 'help' to view a COMPLETE list of available console commands (pageup/pagedown to scroll)

when you see a function/command that might be usefull type 'help nameoffunctionhere' for details


I know you can recycle NPC's by selecting them and typing 'disable' and 'enable', not sure whether this'll work on player character though (game might think you died or it might not be allowed/functional)

I checked the commands list and none of the commands I thought that would help didn't. I also turned TTYM off and the message says: "you can't fast travel while taking health damage", but my health bar is not droping, and god mode and immortal mode are disabled so... But I think I can travel to Skyrim without fast travelling, if I go to Raven Rock, If i really can then there's no problem, but I still want to fix this error.


EDIT: I found out what the problem was, my char was glitvhed, guess I'll just create a new one, that's good ^-^ this way I can staart my let's play series, thanks a

Edited by AttilaMagyar
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hm, well it should be a player status then... -should- hopefully be fixable through console although I am not too intimate with the commands list


try typing 'help' to view a COMPLETE list of available console commands (pageup/pagedown to scroll)

when you see a function/command that might be usefull type 'help nameoffunctionhere' for details


I know you can recycle NPC's by selecting them and typing 'disable' and 'enable', not sure whether this'll work on player character though (game might think you died or it might not be allowed/functional)

I checked the commands list and none of the commands I thought that would help didn't. I also turned TTYM off and the message says: "you can't fast travel while taking health damage", but my health bar is not droping, and god mode and immortal mode are disabled so... But I think I can travel to Skyrim without fast travelling, if I go to Raven Rock, If i really can then there's no problem, but I still want to fix this error.


EDIT: I found out what the problem was, my char was glitvhed, guess I'll just create a new one, that's good ^-^ this way I can staart my let's play series, thanks anyway man!


"player.resurrect 1" csolved the issue, THX :happy:

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