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a lil issue about parents

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i have a question about a parent on a bomb well i wanted to make a mod that had the bomb in megaton like every where but i have no idea how to do this i wanted to make a button or a terminal to activate it but how do you do this?


and how do you make a rock a secret door to my lair?


that is all and thanks again i know i post alot up here and thanks for the help.

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Buttons and terminals are activated with scripts. You would need to find the bomb script and most likely have to tweak a bit. I would create a new bomb (the activator) by first extracting the mesh from the Fallout3 bsa. Right click new under activators, located in your object window. Once the activator is created, then you add the script to it.



You could make a rock a door by first duplicating one and then change the model nif, again by extracting from the bsa first.


There is a rock door already, the one used to enter Rockopolis. You can find under your world objects/doors.

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