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Animations for 1st person play?


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So I see all these nice new animations for characters, they all seem to be for the player character only anyway, is it worth downloading them(and FNIS) if I play in first person?




Those are the mods I'm talking about in detail. They look nice and are all fancy but I don't play third person, and they don't seem to affect NPC's?

should I bother with Any Animation mods or the skeleton mod(XP32's work)



Lastly are the HDT mods work using if again first person play, and male character?



If any of these mods 'can' or 'should' affect NPC's please let me know, as of right now I haven't seen them do so.

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I'm confused. Are you wanting a mod where you see player animations in first person, or are you wanting a mod that effects NPC's... Or both? If you want a first person animation mod I would check out:

Immersive First Person View mod

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Sorry that it is confusing, I am asking, if I am a player who uses first person playstyle(I don't play in third person). Should I bother with these animation mods, and the others that I've listed. I'd be fine keeping them in the LO IF they affect NPC's so I can at least still see it; but as of right now in my game it doesn't affect npcs. I'm not 100% against using that mod you linked but last time I checked it was buggy.

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I'm sure there's a way to get animation mods to work on NPCs if they replace animations.

About IFP. It can be buggy, mostly because of clipping but if you work with it's MCM enough, you lessen the clipping and make it smoother than before. It's a HUGE improvement over vanilla FP and worth it for any FP-Player.

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Ah I see. So you want the animations to work on the NPC's... I dont really know. I'd ask the mod makers to see if it can work for just the NPC's. I'm sure its possible somehow its just i dont think anyone has added something like that yet. Good luck though! ^_^

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All 3rd person animations work for player and NPCs. If you want to distinguish between player and NPCs you have to use a special mod (PCEA).


You might not always see all animations on you, because some (like standing idles, walk, run, sit) are gender specific, and most mods only care for female animations. So if you play a male character you will not see these.


You only listed animation replacers, so you don't necessarily need FNIS which can add new animations. However there are 2 reasons why you might need FNIS anyway:

- if you use a custom skeleton, like XPMS

- some of the female animations (like magic casting) are not gender specific by default. So if you install them they will also be used for all male characters, which might look quite girlish. FNIS can make these animations gender specific as well

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