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It will be included in my mod when i get around to it that is if it even works. But don't expect a release anytime soon there's a lot to be done and i currently don't want to release anything individually. There is a mod that adds recoil to guns. It might be possible to merge that with inaccuracy of a weapon but instead of the weapon being inaccurate the level of recoil would simply get smaller as you become more skilled i believe this was it http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10457. Not sure how well it works read it seems kinda artificial. But idk.
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thank you ecksile you give hope to those who have none i have some ideas which i think you might want to hear about this mod i could send them to you through email. i wont do it here because it would be be a really long post :thanks:
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If you like you can post on this old dead topic which is an explanation of my mod. Id prefer there as i rarely check my email and my inbox is almost full, im waiting on a few people to respond from some other things so i need the inbox space. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...940&hl=ammo
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