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View distance problems


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I can run the game pretty efficiently on medium, and perfectly on low quality settings... but sadly this makes a giant fog out of anything past ten or twenty feet, and I can't see anything at all. If I mess around with the view distance stuff, it goes slow because I don't know what each of the bars stand for and I end up setting the quality too high in the wrong place.


What are the optimum view distance settings for the game to have a large viewing distance for computers with medium-range video cards that can run on medium/low settings without visual lag? And are there any other fixes for this? Is there like a mod to hinder NPCs in the same way, at least, so I don't get my limbs ripped off by an army of mole rats that appear out of the fog?


Also, I turned V-sync on because it makes the game run faster. I tried it with V-sync off, and with V-sync on. Essentially the difference is, with it off all of the character input lags horribly, but with it on the input is more accurate.

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Try cutting your anti-aliss off but max out samples. Plus it matters what kind of cpu you are running. What r your spec? Mine are a dual quad vista crap. ati3650 radeon 6 gb ram. When I run the anti crap its slow too. All it does is make the edges smooth so. At time ( I do not recomend this cause u can burn up cpu) I run my Rivatuner ( overclocking program) its on 750 from factory and I add a 100. Memory clock 500 I add 50 and crank up multiple fans I had additionally installed. Like I said I dont recomend this cause you can fry you cpu video cards etc.
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You set Object and Actor fade far too low, with this setting objects and Actors (NPCS, Creatures) will pop in way too late. Move the slider more to the middle and see if this works out for you.


Also check out the Fallout 3 tweaking Guide here: http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_1.html There you will find lots of useful info and explanations to tweak the game and increase your performance further.

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