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Nifskope Transform>edit


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i wanted to make some of my armors bigger so i used nifskope, a little rotation, a little resizing here and there, etc. nothing wrong looking in nifskope, bring up oblivion, equip armor and it looks awesome, except when going into third person. the model that is to the right of the inventory screen shows it perfect and everything but in third person it is just not there. like the texture was missing.


so i wanted to see that i didnt break everything, i opened the file that i edited and did transform>edit>apply to one of the shapes i edited (i edited a few on the armor) back to the original position and saved it.

opened oblivion and the model works again, the shape i edited back is in the third person model is appearing again but the ones not working before are still not working.


how do i make the shapes work after i transformed them.

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ill post it here since i encountered the same problem as original and not make a new thread for the same problem from the same person.


i apply a transformation in nifskope via right click, resizing and realigning it along the x y and z axis for the new size. transform>apply. save the new nif. open oblivion and the thing that i changed shape did not show up in the inventory model or third person, nothing, like the texture wasn't there or something. i dont think i broke anything since the only thing i changed was applying a transformation. can anyone help with this?

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Are these transformation big or just little? It can be a problem with the weightpainting of the mesh. When you transform it in Nifscope it's more likely that a confilict with the skeleton can happen thus resulting an error. This is just a theroy as i don't know much about nifsocpe tbh and i solve all my problems in Blender. So i suggest you to do the same: Edit the model in blender/or orther program and then export again.
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thanks for replying

the way i was trying to do it was without needing to have to use something like blender. i was just editing the meshes of someone else's mod for my liking.


i realize i am not the most skilled wordsmith, so here it is step by step.



first i do right click transform edit



then i apply the changes, there is a box that pops up saying it may not work but i select try any way



then i save as the same name overwriting the original


after this i tried taking screenshot of how it doesnt work in game, but printscrn didnt want to work

just know that in game the meshes of the hearts dissapear

i did the same thing for the necktie you can kind of see in the first pic but it actually worked for that, i have also used this method for other armors and such with success.

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