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Pipboy won't show up


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Hey all. So I play a modded Fallout 3 and I have encountered a problem I never have before. When I start up the game, my Pipboy Readius will come up, and will do so for a bit. But after a while, my character pulls his arm up as if he's trying to use the wrist Pipboy, and nothing is there. The light doesn't work either. At the same time, I tried not using Readius and it still gave me the same problem. I sort using BOSS and I have a recent merged patch as well. I checked the Readius Help page, and they said to update NMM. I did that, and that's what allows me to use it a little bit in the beginning. Can anybody help? My Mod load order is attached.


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The tool your using overwrites files. So, if you install things of this nature ,there is no turning back.


If you install them in a packaged style, as if you use a zip archive manager for your default game files instead of the CD, once installed, made a set of separate packages to "overwrite the over written" files, then you can restore your game.


If you choose another program, say like Mod Organizer, this isolates this bug, but it can not isolate-what is contained in the saved game file, that requires a great deal more to fix, or just repair the game files and start over or earlier with a saved game without the radius mod.


All this is to give you a heads up.

replace the games files and get rid of the radius to get the game back on track, and then choose wiser ways to mod the game.


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The tool your using overwrites files. So, if you install things of this nature ,there is no turning back.


If you install them in a packaged style, as if you use a zip archive manager for your default game files instead of the CD, once installed, made a set of separate packages to "overwrite the over written" files, then you can restore your game.


If you choose another program, say like Mod Organizer, this isolates this bug, but it can not isolate-what is contained in the saved game file, that requires a great deal more to fix, or just repair the game files and start over or earlier with a saved game without the radius mod.


All this is to give you a heads up.

replace the games files and get rid of the radius to get the game back on track, and then choose wiser ways to mod the game.


How do I go about replacing the game files?

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Do you have a program called "7z" it's an archiving program, used to make zip packages.


you select the default game files first, after an install of the main fallout3 game.


once this is done, you have an overwrite available so no need to reinstall the game.


rename the game folder by just 1 letter and make a new game folder of the original game name. Copy the executable s into the new folder, make a Data folder into this new folder and copy fallout3.esm into it.


this is basic needs for installing over IT the DLC packages

Understand one thing, there will not be any bsa archives in the folder you make. you only need a qualifier set of files for the DLC content to see. this second installed set of files is all content for DLC's + their respective archives.


once you have done this. delete the overwritten version of the fallout3.esm in this new folder as yo will not require that.

the only thing sitting in the new data folder is the DLC content. now you 7z this up.


at this point you should have two new zip files of the Entire game, one for main game, one for DLC content.

Move these to the desk top, keep them safe.


delete the new folder and it's contents all of it.


rename back your Original game folder to it's prior name and now install these two zip files right over top of the game.

Bang, back to square one. Fresh start.


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