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Adopt Sissel or make her a squire


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The idea is simple. You can adopt Sissel from Rorikstead because her father and sister are dirtbags.


She says she wants to travel and become a warrior or adventurer, or something like that. So, someone could also make it so she could become a follower. Obviously she'd be weak, so maybe magic or arrows?


Anyway, if anybody makes either of these ideas, thanks in advance.


*edit: I can't spell

Edited by 0piuM
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Actually, if you kill her parents she will be sent to the orphanage and you can adopt her if you wish, but after the quest where you kill Grelog, oh and remember to finish the quest by going back to Arentino because there is a bug, all my knowledge is from UESP LOL

Edited by Glow0910
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