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Urination mod?


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There is a mod in which has a toilet modeled chair. I believe they even put one in each player bought house. If you look down, for some reason no matter how unrealistic, although practical, there is a door.. or a "hole in the toilet" that leads to the sewer. I always just rationalize it myself as "I pee whenever I swim" :D. But please, do refrain from being vulgar and so... explicit. These forums and family of sites are an expansive and large community with people that are too young to understand the word 'rape' and too old to not be offended, plus the fact some people just do not want to hear about your necrophiliac throat hole fetishes. Personally, that type of stuff does not phase me. My eyes have borne witness to way too much violence and gore to truly react on any level of sanity that I should.


My suggestion for ensuring you do not offend anyone, get into possible trouble should you go a little further next time, or blah blah blah, is in the SubTitle AND the very first paragraph of your thread post that it is adult content, not suitable for children, can be viewed as offensive to some parties and the reader should take caution when proceeding. Now, this does not give you the ability to post whatever you may please, such as pornographic links or pictures or explicit descriptions of your intimate proceedings with the casualties of your rampage, but it does lessen the risk of children looking, people getting offended, and others finding your post intolerable, by warning them that such things may be read and divert their attention from such thread. This also ensures should they be offended it's their own fault because they have been thoroughly warned, but again I stress that although essential an "adult warning" is it does not give free reign to post whatever you please.


I hope this was informative and helpful, as that is this posts intent. Please don't take this as an assault, it is not. More or less, it is a request or a suggestion. You can choose to follow it or not, and if you do or don't is your own prerogative. I am not a moderator and don't pretend to be. Just trying to give you a head up suggestion, not a demand. Please take this all in a friendly demeanor from a fellow member of the Nexus community.


Although I would not be too fond of your intentions for this resource, I must say that there is a major lack in essential bodily functions that are always in need of attendance. Or even a hint that they even exist, such as outhouses or toilets. I mean, theres sewers, but the only accessibilities are from grates in the open or in basements. I am pretty sure that no one goes to a grate to take care of business, and I am also pretty sure it wouldn't look to good carrying a big bucket of excrement to a grate every day or so.. It would be nice to have a more realistic role in this.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Oh sure sorry, but it is fine to upload quad rooster rapist futanari demons on the nexus is it? <---- ignore this, I apologize for any awkwardness caused towards any children visiting this website.

Those mods, being mods, have Adult Only settings that do not allow minors to acces them, you have to be above age, and signed in AND have your settings set right to see them. The forums have no such barrier.


Also, on a personal note, I don't find transexual demons anywhere near as sick as bragging that you role-play a man who rapes corpses, eats them, and urinates on them, possibly in that order; and explaining that you wish to use Oblivin to make a video fo a girl urinating. But's maybe that's just me, and not why you were reported.

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I believe the post was reported for a previous title held that was inappropriate. Everyone has their own personal taste in life. Mine happens to be very gory, but not on an arousal level. Just on a "I like to see people smile wickedly while stabbing their own temple" level. As per my wallpaper :D and frequent visits to a forum in which I do not believe I can name as per the rules, in which has forum titles such as "faces of death - pics and videos" "Human deformities" and of course the nice "lighter side of reality" which just shows how stupid people are. Such as getting butt drunk and wandering through a liquor store trying to buy bear, but falling over so much you look like your being attacked by a ghost that is trying to pin you down but the ghost itself has one arm shorter than the other and is malformed in and of itself. But that's me, thats my entertainment. Anyways, point being, be ready to face the world of people with sick, wicked and demented minds as they surround you. Everywhere there is light shadows are cast, within these shadows lay the evil of the world so vile, mere mention will make your stomach churn and force you to avert your eyes. There is no way around this, either learn to cope and ignore or be sent to the shadows yourself.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long, Happy New Years.


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Locking this thread. Some things are better to just keep to yourself.


Although there might be some interest in this level of realism, it would probably never be to the point where you would like it. Nobody would do this for you, since there is no lasting value in this for most out there. This would be alot of work for something which might be funny at first, but would only end up getting removed once they were bored of it. Even if you took the time to learn how to do it yourself, it probably wouldn't work in any way that you'd want it to since animation props can't be animated themselves (particles).


Even if this was a real request, and not a flame bait thread, you can't expect someone to do something like this just because YOU are interested. Yes, there are equally questionable mods out there, except that these were not requests, but were things which those who were interested were capable of doing themselves.


At any rate, discussions like this are not allowed on the forums due to the rather heated reactions that they tend to cause and the subject matter they deal with. If you cannot help but to profess whatever bizarre kinks you may have, you may want to go somewhere else while you still have a choice in the matter.



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