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The dreaded windows Vista


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Hello All^^



I have tried to get a few mods dled for oblivion now that I have a great suped up computer to play it on. Only problem is that it runs windows vista. So I cant get the Tid key or console to come up for cheat codes.

When I go into the game and click data files instead of play I am not seeing the esm files to activate the mods.


Now a wierd thing happened. I dont know if its my imagination..... I went to change clothes and suddendly my elf was nakked with breasts instead of a bra and the men I just killed on the floor suddenly had male parts instead of being stripped to thier underwear...(not that Im complaining.. Let the Raunch begin LOL)


I dont even remember dling a mod for that...


Is there any special way I should try to activate these? I have dropped the textures into the texture folder , meshes to Meshes.....and do all that by hand as well.


So question is... How can I activate the esm file?


Or maybe its automatic with windows Vista? Has anyone else experinced this Please Help..


so I dunno maybe some of those mods worked? I tried to dl the better manor and the girl to hire to stay there and also I really want some cool companions.. Has anyone made a nice romance like the old Morrowind ones?


How many here ever played Glory Road mod? wasnt that just kick ass?



thanks to all^^

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Hello All^^



I have tried to get a few mods dled for oblivion now that I have a great suped up computer to play it on. Only problem is that it runs windows vista. So I cant get the Tid key or console to come up for cheat codes.

When I go into the game and click data files instead of play I am not seeing the esm files to activate the mods.


Now a wierd thing happened. I dont know if its my imagination..... I went to change clothes and suddendly my elf was nakked with breasts instead of a bra and the men I just killed on the floor suddenly had male parts instead of being stripped to thier underwear...(not that Im complaining.. Let the Raunch begin LOL)


I dont even remember dling a mod for that...


Is there any special way I should try to activate these? I have dropped the textures into the texture folder , meshes to Meshes.....and do all that by hand as well.


So question is... How can I activate the esm file?


Or maybe its automatic with windows Vista? Has anyone else experinced this Please Help..


so I dunno maybe some of those mods worked? I tried to dl the better manor and the girl to hire to stay there and also I really want some cool companions.. Has anyone made a nice romance like the old Morrowind ones?


How many here ever played Glory Road mod? wasnt that just kick ass?



thanks to all^^


To activate esp or esm you must have them in data folder :P


Install game outside of C: program files (like C:games/oblivion)


OR: give yourself full control over Oblivion folder... Goes something like this- Right click on main oblivion folder

properties/security/edit/your username/full control


And don't forget that some mods don't have esm or esp(textures replacers) ... So you won't see those in data

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For some reason beyond my comprehension, Microsoft decided to disable the tilde key (~) when they have infrared turned on. On most desktop computers this is not a problem because they don't have IR capability. However, for laptops and media center desktops, as well as those desktops that do have an infrared receiver/transmitter it is a nuisance.


On non-English keyboards the key in question is the one to the left of the 1 key on the top line. Whatever its symbol.


On the media center PC, the simplest fix is to unplug the IR from the PC. The tilde immediately returns to use.


On those with an IR that can not be simply unplugged, you will need to go into the control panel to disable IR.


On an XP system: Vista will be similar

Start>Settings>Control Panel

click on 'System' then the Hardware tab, then the 'Device Manager'


Find the infrared port

Under the section labeled 'Device usage' select 'Do not use this Device (disable)'

Click on the OK below it.


A red x should appear over the IR port on the list of devices.


Of course, this will make anything that relies on the IR no longer function until you change it back.


Or, you can use this mod as a work around: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13133 :thumbsup:

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Wow thanks for the great replies!


I want to know what an IR is. What kind of programs will stop working if I disable it?

In the device manager i have the universial sieral bus and the top option is eHome infrared reciver (USB CIR)

Thats the only place I have found something with the word "Infrared" in it.


I reall want some companion mods that dont require the Shivering Isles expansion pkg.


Thanks again for answering me^^ Most other forums simply said I was screwed. So this really means alot. I want to be sure I woulnt loose my media player or any vital programs before I do this.

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That's it, the eHome infrared reciver (USB CIR). It is used for infrared communication between some devices. Most laptops until the most recent ones had this - some still do. The windows media edition PC also has one, but it is a plug in device (just unplug it when playing to get the console key). There are also some third party IR receivers that are usually used with things like a remote control for media. All that I have seen are USB based and can be unplugged.


For laptops, the IR was used mostly to send files to other IR capable laptops. An early networking effort that wasn't adopted by many people. It wasn't popular because you had to turn the laptops back to back from a short distance apart (approximately .5 to 3 meters or 1 foot to ten feet) and keep the IR lined up to use it. A serial null modem file transfer cable was faster.

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Windows Vista puts your plugins (esm/esp) in a different file location.


To find go into My Computer/Vista/User/(Username)/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/BethsedaSoftworks/Oblivion/Data


In there should be all your esp/esm.



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  • 2 weeks later...
It shouldn't matter if your plugins themselves are in the virtual store or data folder (unless you're trying to edit them in CS, then they have to be in virtual store). Your meshes, textures, and all the other stuff however do have to be in the data folder. I'm a Vista user, but I've never had the same problems that you have. I could be wrong, but I think older versions of Oblivion didn't let you use the ` key to bring up the console. Again, I could be wrong, and you could be using ver. 1.2.....
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Windows Vista puts your plugins (esm/esp) in a different file location.


To find go into My Computer/Vista/User/(Username)/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/BethsedaSoftworks/Oblivion/Data


In there should be all your esp/esm.




Say what? I'm using Vista 64bit and it's working just as I'd imagine XP would with Oblivion and mods. :S

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