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Yet another load order / crash questionairé


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I'm having constant somewhat steady crashes when running F3 with a number of mods. Anyone able to advice me on my load order if there's something incorrect there or something critical missing? I've been reading the forums and threads but not sure if some of the load orders I found re up to date. And also the UF3P seems to be loaded in lots of different places. :blink:


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm
Mart's Mutant Mod.esm
Realistic Interior Lighting.esp
CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp
WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp
Stealthboy Recon Armor - CRAFT.esp
EVE - FWE Master Release.esp
EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - XFO.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Feral Ghoul Rampage.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE with EVE.esp
Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9.esp
StreetLights - Wasteland.esp

Total active plugins: 28
Total plugins: 28


Sometimes I crash when just traveling / changing area, occasional total system lockups in combat (Not VATS as the % are too low for it to be worth it) and having to spam the F5 button every few minutes for my sanity's sake is getting a bit tiresome.


Second thing that bothers me is that sometimes after loading a saved game the attack button seems to be stuck ie. shooting constantly. Anyone know how to prevent or solve this as the only cure for it that I have found so far has been to exit the game completely (It also crashes on exit to main menu and exit to windows too)


Also I'm using the Songs for EVE mod and is it only needed to unpack the file to the F3\Data\ directory? Ie. the folders in the mod archive like Optional Awesome Dungeon Songs should be in F3\Data\ and that's it? Nothing else needed? (Not much of a readme or install instructions I could find)


And about the GNR mod that adds songs for the radio station. I put the files from the into Data\Sound\ and the esp into Data\ and activated it on FOMM. I read two different install instructions for it. One said something about unpacking and extracting files from a sound.bsa file and the other one did not. Which one is correct?


PS. It is not installed into C:'s program files,

I'm using XP 32 Prof SP3 clean install with all drivers and relevant software updated.


so...umm... help? pretty please? :wallbash:

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my game crashes about every 20 mins or so when i play in full screen but if you you change to windowed mode it should work fine if this does not work lower your graphics (still play windowed) if that doesnt work remove some mods you may have too many
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my game crashes about every 20 mins or so when i play in full screen but if you you change to windowed mode it should work fine if this does not work lower your graphics (still play windowed) if that doesnt work remove some mods you may have too many


Okey that sounded a bit crazy but for some odd reason it has decreased Fallout crashes for me quite a lot. 0_o

It still crashes occasionally but not nearly as often as it used to (mostly when around/killing night ghouls or ramblers or when changing areas). Thank You.

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Doesn't playing in windowed mode decrease your FPS by quite a bit?


Edit: Well I tried it for myself just for kicks, and wow - what a difference! It actually IMPROVED my fps rather than lowered it, and the random crashes I was suffering from seem to be eliminated *knocks wood*. And the maximized window mod makes it look just like fullscreen, except alt-tab works smoother now too! Yay and thanks for the tip funkidud3!

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Playing in windowed mode USED to decrease FPS years ago but nowadays with modern rigs and updated software I haven't noticed any decrease in FPS in games that I've tried out in windowed mode with either Win XP SP3 x86 or Win 7 Prof x86. Might have problems if using older hardware and/or software though.


I'm using a 32" HD TV to play Fallout 3 and the small windows borders etc. do not really bother me personally because you can move the application window so that they do not show up.


Seriously again a big whupping thankees to funkidud3 for this tip.

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Playing in windowed mode USED to decrease FPS years ago but nowadays with modern rigs and updated software I haven't noticed any decrease in FPS in games that I've tried out in windowed mode with either Win XP SP3 x86 or Win 7 Prof x86. Might have problems if using older hardware and/or software though.


With some games you'll still experience a pretty big fps drop when in windowed mode - Far Cry 2 for example was silky smooth w/ maxed out settings at fullscreen on my rig (1920x1200 @ Q9550 & 4870X2 on Vista 64) but change it to windowed and instantly there was a very visible drop. But yeah I guess cases like that can be the minority these days, I always normally play on fullscreen!

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