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Spell: Abscond


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When I played EQ back in the day wizards (masters of teleportation) had a nice little spell called Abscond, which basically evacuated your entire group or a selected target to the zone entrance without their conscent. It was a last resort and sometimes the group would give you high fives for saving their arses or other times they would be ticked off not realizing the group was about to wipe. Anyway to make a long story short


I've run into situations where I want to remove and NPC from the area but not kill them. Just teleport them to a pocket plane or stasis somewhere for a time so I could go about my business and leave. When the spell wore off they would be returned to their original location with no memory of what had happened.


If I remember Baldur's Gate had something similar called Imprison, which placed the target in a dimensional cage about 300 feet down into the ground but in this case it was perminent.

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There are several good tutorials on creating Spells and MagicEffects. The CK has this one http://www.creationkit.com/Creating_a_Disease_Spell


At the core of your Abscond spell, one would be inclined to use the .MoveTo function, however, this still allows the actor to do things in the world such as realize something happened or return to where you are (2 things you probably don't want happening). If you want the actor to go into limbo, consider using the .Disable function (.SetUnconscious might also be useful) which technically won't move them anywhere, but it will unload their 3D and halt any AI and scripts on them. After a certain time [use .RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(iNumHours) ] just call .Enable to bring them back and heal them with .RestoreActorValue ("Health", 10000).


Anyway, hopefully that is enough help to get you pointed in the right direction. Happy modding!

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