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Game Ending


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Hi everyone! I think the game ending has a few disappointment. I read one posting from a gamer here and very much agrees with that person and think that maybe we can mod the game ending to our like.


Here is the complain from that gamer (plz, I am No that gamer, plz excuse me if you dont like complains. I just take the opinions for modding): http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/47/index/521180.


I am thinking about a "simple" mod, to adds some options:

1. player has the choice to talk to Riordan before the landsmeet and reveal the secret of killing the archdemon. There he would choose to reveal the truth to the landsmeet and demand support. If successes, we go straight to the even when Alista choose to kill Logain.

2. The Warden may demand Alista to let Logain live out of nececcessity. The game ending now points to default if Logain lives after Landsmeet.

3. The Warden may demand boons in case he is the ruler/queen, as if he has Elves,Mages,Dwarf background: to give Dalish land, to send human armies to support the Dwarf in Deep Road, to help the city elves.


I will also try to mod myself. If anyone can help, please advice me. I am still a very newbie who just learned to add some items to inventory, and mod some very basic game effects.


Sincerely thanks!

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