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CM Companion mods and Benirus mannor issue Desperate help needed!&


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Hello All happy holidays!!


I have 2 issues. :(


1.I have the cm companions mod and shamikas Ozz companion which is the male version of Skye.


Neither of these companions talk or have a voice. and when I do talk to them there is no menu to ask if these would like to join you or even ask about rumors in the town.


Also Ozz head is missing : (


2. I dounloaded the Benirus mannor from Khettienna and the garden outside looks great!!!! I step inside and I fall through the floor eventually die.


I dont have shimmering isles expanion and was wondering if there is any way around this or if there is a place online I can pay for it and download it so all these mods will start to work right.


Please Help I am getting desperate!

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Happy New Year!

First check the requirements of the mods.

Many mods REQUIRE the latest patch and will not work right without them.

Many mods require OBSE also.

If the mod requires SI, then it will not work without SI

SI can be purchased at Steam.

Without knowing what mods you have and what their load order is it's hard to help.


How to post a Load order list article




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Thank you Ben your such a sweety!!

I did download the latest ptch and 416 is the highest out right now. which s what I have. The benius mannor said it might not work propperly with out the Si expansion.

Thank you for the hint about steam I will do a goole search see how much it is.


I am thinking about just uninstalling the game and starting from scratch. Maybe by dropping the mods into data folder instead of doing it by hand meshes to meshes folder ect, I might have corrupted the data folder somehow.

this is a list of mods I have:

Ancient elven warrior

beautiful people

benirus mannor improved

Cm Partners

Cm Ozz (companion)

Cm Partners tabaxi

DMDemon (companion)

KT custom race fix


This is the listof checked mods that I see when I open the launcher . I do have the other benrus mannor mod it is nt checked.


Is it possible to screw up your data folder by just putting toomuch stuff in it? I dled and extracted alot of these mods 2 or 3 times trying to get them to work.


I am not familar with OBMM

I dont feel I am advanced enough to fiddle with it. Is it really worth the headache to learn to use it?





Happy New Year!

First check the requirements of the mods.

Many mods REQUIRE the latest patch and will not work right without them.

Many mods require OBSE also.

If the mod requires SI, then it will not work without SI

SI can be purchased at Steam.

Without knowing what mods you have and what their load order is it's hard to help.


How to post a Load order list article




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don't be intimidated by OBMM. It is fairly easy to use as a beginner and almost necessary if you don't have Wrye Bash (a more complicated mod manager). Don't ever think that you can't get something down. It (sadly) took me over 2 weeks to get the Construction Set down. I flat out didn't think I was smart enough. But you know what? I got a good grasp of it now. Most people don't have that problem, I was just being dense.


back on topic, download and use the OBMM. I would also recommend downloading BOSS (better oblivion sorting software). You can get that here:


and a list of all the mods it supports (8,000 and counting):



Read and follow the readme's for install instructions. Look up load order here on the nexus (or the wiki) and you will piece it all together. It's really not that complex.


more fun is in the future than headaches,



p.s. there are unofficial official patches as well, you might want to use those as when a mod says "use the latest patch" you don't know if they refer to the 1.20416 Official patch or the 3.2 Unofficial patch. Just an afterthought. And do the patches work without the SI installed? And give bben kudos. He deserves it.

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Hey, I just wanna chime in here!


I replaced the interior mesh of the house in Better Benirus manor (the 3d model that makes up the walls, floors and ceilings). If that mesh isn't in the right spot, you will indeed fall through the floor! To verify it is there, look for this file on your hard drive:




If it's not there, try re-installing the mod. If you've gotten the hang of OBMM by now, you can download the omod version to make it all super simple. Hope this helps. :)

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Wow thanks I about gave up on this mod^^ I will try that once I get some other things going right.

Many thanks^^


Hey, I just wanna chime in here!


I replaced the interior mesh of the house in Better Benirus manor (the 3d model that makes up the walls, floors and ceilings). If that mesh isn't in the right spot, you will indeed fall through the floor! To verify it is there, look for this file on your hard drive:




If it's not there, try re-installing the mod. If you've gotten the hang of OBMM by now, you can download the omod version to make it all super simple. Hope this helps. :)

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