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Dawnguard - Neutral Opposing faction?


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Hey there. Recently, I started the Dawnguard expansion pack for my newer character. I chose to side with the vampires, and I'm okay with it so far. However, once I'm done with the Dawnguard quests, I intend to be cured. However, this poses a problem. If yo side with the vampires, and get cured, you can still be randomly attacked by Dawnguard members. I wanted to know if there was a mod out there that allows for you to be friendly/neutral with the vampires, and friendly/neutral with the Dawnguard at the same time; ya know, kind of like those Blades/Greybeards mods where you can be friendly with both and the other side won't hate you. Any ideas? I'd try and create it myself, but I'm not skilled enough yet. Thanks!

Edited by Kikilicious
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