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teleport sequence problem !


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Hi , i'd be very glad to get a good solution for the following problem :

Every Time , as i Go to the Mothership-Zeta-Spaceship to activate the quest. Althoung in this moment i should be beamed up to the Mothership, I still stand in the 1st person view just in front of the spaceship and cant move (also the HUD is disappeared. ) . The Same happens as i get into a Tranquili-thingy in the mainquest : I just stay for years in this dump position sitting on a chair which normally used to beam me in an black-white perfect world. -.-

I would be very thankful if anybody fouind a solution : )

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Most likely you are getting bonked by other mods. Either list them here, or try removing them 1-by-1 until you can get the MZ scene to work. If you have no other mods running except for the Bethesda ones, then you most likely have a corrupt save game. That may sometimes be rectified by going into an empty interior cell, waiting 3+ days, saving the game, exiting to the desktop and then restarting the game with the new save.
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Thank you

I already thought about something like that because i do that always when the game crashes after installing few mods . .

but i wasnt sure if its the reason for THIS problem .

thank you :thumbsup:

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