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STeam Downloaded GOTY Oblivion Looking for Data files folder Please He


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I have just downloaded oblivion's GOTY to get both expansion packs for SI and the other one Oblivion has.


I went to the STeam folder to look for Data Files to start uploading some of my Mods and I found the folder for data(sorry for the misleading subject line cant edit it) and I noticed a few folders missing such as Meshes ,voice and sound.

Should I pop in my Oblivion cd and reinstall that? or should I just drop in the sound voice meshes folder into data?


WHen I went to steam the only way to get the expansion packs was to buy the whole GOTY edition.


Any help or advice is greatly appreciated and special thanks to Ben the Modderator for his help thus far ^^ *kisses*



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The vanilla game does not have these folders. They are automatically created (or you can create them manually) when you install the first mod that requires them. If they are already there, the mod will use the existing folder, if not, it creates the folders it needs.
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*sNIGGERS* hEE tHANK YOU bEN AGAIN :P Poor Ben I am probably driving you crazy huh?

Well I got the OBMM thingy and I now have a load order.


Because I am using Windows Vista there us a UAC security device that blocks most mods even when you can see they are clearly checked in your data launcher. So Yay I learned something very helpfull no wonder better bodies and the companion wernt showing up in the game. Plus if you install that HUge CM Companions pkg I think in order to talk to them you have to be in sneak mode? WIerd... Ok So If I can just get Ozz head to show up that would be really nice too.

Im still not real clear how to actully obmm to install a mod I think I can figure thaqt out by playing with it.


Here is my details

Windows Vista(finally have UAC turned off) control panel- user controls- turn OFF :P

GE graphic card 120

8 gig of ram

massive GIG right now to use

cant think of anything else I should list here


Data Load order ( Please dont scream *cringe*)


CM Partners.esm




CM Partners NPC.esp

CM Partners.esp

CM Partners More NPCs.esp

CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

CM Partners Special NPCs.esp


Beautiful People.esp



Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp




Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp




I really want this romantic companion mod named Stoker he sounds like a real B*tch to use and after you have installed all of your mods he has to be last in the list Thank guad for OBMM now all that gibberish talk is starting to make sense and thanks to Ben46 for his patence...Poor baby I see him explaining this stuff to people over and over ...


Maybe if I can kidnap Ben to Secondlife.com and make him my virtual husband since hes already my savior I woulnt need stoker at all!!!! :P


ANyhoo I hope this load order will help the fact I have UAC disabled now. I really want thqt Beautiful bodies thing to work cause dang... the charcters in this game are fugly as hell. I wann be gorgeous like all the screen shots I have seen then Ill deal with stoker. Otherwise the screen shots are gonna be stupid. Ugly girl with super hero Nice :confused:


The vanilla game does not have these folders. They are automatically created (or you can create them manually) when you install the first mod that requires them. If they are already there, the mod will use the existing folder, if not, it creates the folders it needs.
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The mods being modified must be before the mod that modifies them in the load order (read that twice). :yes:


Try using this to help set load order

BOSS http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516


It's not perfect, but it is the best utility available for load order.

After running it, you may have to manually set some mods by using OBMM - it puts any mods it doesn't recognize at the end.


Here is a Link to Bben's Oblivion Load Order Recommendations



Most of my answers are canned, I just copy and paste. 8)

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*sNIGGERS* hEE tHANK YOU bEN AGAIN :P Poor Ben I am probably driving you crazy huh?

Well I got the OBMM thingy and I now have a load order.


Because I am using Windows Vista there us a UAC security device that blocks most mods even when you can see they are clearly checked in your data launcher. So Yay I learned something very helpfull no wonder better bodies and the companion wernt showing up in the game. Plus if you install that HUge CM Companions pkg I think in order to talk to them you have to be in sneak mode? WIerd... Ok So If I can just get Ozz head to show up that would be really nice too.

Im still not real clear how to actully obmm to install a mod I think I can figure thaqt out by playing with it.


Here is my details

Windows Vista(finally have UAC turned off) control panel- user controls- turn OFF :P

GE graphic card 120

8 gig of ram

massive GIG right now to use

cant think of anything else I should list here


Data Load order ( Please dont scream *cringe*)


CM Partners.esm




CM Partners NPC.esp

CM Partners.esp

CM Partners More NPCs.esp

CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp

CM Partners Special NPCs.esp


Beautiful People.esp



Ancient Elven Sorcerer - DV.esp

Ancient Elven Sorcerer - EV.esp

CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp

Ancient Elven Sorceress - DV.esp

Ancient Elven Sorceress - EV.esp




Kikai & Slof Clothing.esp




I really want this romantic companion mod named Stoker he sounds like a real B*tch to use and after you have installed all of your mods he has to be last in the list Thank guad for OBMM now all that gibberish talk is starting to make sense and thanks to Ben46 for his patence...Poor baby I see him explaining this stuff to people over and over ...


Maybe if I can kidnap Ben to Secondlife.com and make him my virtual husband since hes already my savior I woulnt need stoker at all!!!! :P


ANyhoo I hope this load order will help the fact I have UAC disabled now. I really want thqt Beautiful bodies thing to work cause dang... the charcters in this game are fugly as hell. I wann be gorgeous like all the screen shots I have seen then Ill deal with stoker. Otherwise the screen shots are gonna be stupid. Ugly girl with super hero Nice :confused:


The vanilla game does not have these folders. They are automatically created (or you can create them manually) when you install the first mod that requires them. If they are already there, the mod will use the existing folder, if not, it creates the folders it needs.

Signature fixed ^^

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