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Weird animation bug w/ UNP body - help?


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I recently started a fresh, new load of Skyrim, and the first tjhing I did (after getting the Unofficial Patch and the Unofficial HD patch) was update the main player model using the UNP body.


Before I did anything else, to make life easier, I use the UNP Replacer Configuration Package mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/20884/?) and installed it via the Nexus Mod Manager. On install of the Replacer Package, I am able to select a body, skeleton, breast physics, etc. After install, I re-run "Generate FNIS" to make sure the animation scripts are enabled - I always get two possible errors when running Consistence Check in FNIS, both related to a "jump back" animation. After all this is done, I launched Skyrim via SKSE.


Right from initial opening scene, my character body show the appropriate meshes and skins and look good - the PROBLEM is in the ANIMATIONS. At random times (typically when changing direction with the movement keys), I'll be running along fine, and then for a few seconds it's like the game forgets the animation files - the model stands up straight with the splayed arms and legs (no animation), then a few seconds later starts running again all on its own. It's not BREAKING anything, but it's distracting as HELL and I'd like it gone if possible.


Please let me know if you need a screenshot of my NMM load order screen - I've installed several other mods since then and none seem to affect this weird animation behavior (good or bad). ANY help with this would be very much appreciated - thanks!!


EDIT: Was just playing, and noticed the same behavior in enemies/NPCs as well! WTF???

Edited by ImagoX
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