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Newbie mod user trying to enhance performance


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Hey all, so I recently decided to reinstall Skyrim and try it out with some of these awesome mods on the site. However, I'm noticed my FPS is hanging around 20 or so, which is a bit lower than I would like. I think I can deal with it being around 30. Unfortunately I'm not very experienced when it comes to modding so I was hoping someone could take the time to help me figure out what is draining of my computer's power?


Ideally, I would like to run all of these, but if anyone has suggestions on which ones I can take away without taking much away from the game while giving me some more power I would be greatful. I guess gameplay mods come before graphics, but I've heard great things about ENB and COT and WATER so would like to keep as many of those as possible.


My computers specs are


[email protected]~3.9GHZ




GeForce 560TI 4050 (although the card is actually 1gb)


1TB HD with 123GB left.


Feel free to ask anything else.


I have The latest skyrim patches, and all the DLC.


My plugin list and order according to LOOT and NMM




Unoffiacl Skyrim Patch.esp


Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp


Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp


Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

Skyrim Project Optimization Full Version.esm



Lanterns of Skyrim All In One Main.esm

Deus Mons.esm





Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp

Convenient HOrses.esp

Locational Damage.esp


StaticMeshImprovementMod Dungeoncliffsiceskirts.esp







Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp


Dragon Falls Manor.esp



Helgen Reborn.esp


Deus Mons_WithNPS.esp

Dual Wield Parrying_randomattacks_Dawnguard.esp



Further Dark Dungeon for ENB.esp

Armored Skeleton.esp




Immersive Weapons.esp





Supreme Storms-CoT version.esp


No Skill Limit.esp



Immersive Dragonborn.esp







WATER DB Waves.esp

The Asteria-Dwemer Airship.esp


Skyrim FLora Overhaul.esp





Immersive Battles.esp

Immersive Travelers.esp

WATER plants.esp

Immersive Patrols.esp

Immmersive Mercenaries.esp

Immersive Dawnguard.esp

Immersive Werewolves.esp

Immersive Brigands.esp


Apocalypse-The SPell Package.esp

Apocalypse - SkyRe Compatibility Patch.esp

Immersive Factions.esp





Supreme FogCOT.esp


WATER Falskaar.esp




thanks so much.

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by chance could you send me the data for your overclocked i7? I have the same one but it is stock 3.4.

Remove the following mods: (For various reasons of bad mods for your performance or broken mods etc.)

I didnt include ESM's in this because you can't remove them, but if a mod below is also a ESM it will remove once the mod is unistalled.


Locational Damage.esp-Scripts break after a while and slows game down.(npc's will die a few seconds later then they should by, ie headshots.)

Rainbows.esp-Not that impactive in the game and waste of space.

ClimatesofTamriel-Dawnguardpatch.esp-Can replace with Pure Weather, its less performance demanding.

ClimatesofTamriel-sound.esp-Replace with Audio Overhaul Skyrim, it is also less performance demanding.

AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp-"could" try EFF, it is overall better imo.(PREFERENCE)

COTWEatherpatch_DB.esp-no to CoT(Performance)

ClimatesofTamriel_dungeons-hazardous.esp-no to CoT(Performance)

mintylightningmod.esp- lighting mod? use ELFX or Realistic Lighting.

better_torches_brighter_torchlight.esp-Try double torch radius.

MintyLightningMOd-COT_Patch.esp-no to CoT(Performance)

Supreme Storms-CoT version.esp-no to CoT(Performance)

Cot-weatherpatch_supstorms.esp-no to CoT(Performance)

No Skill Limit.esp-Skyre and Community uncapper do this already.

WATER DG.esp-Try Realistic Water Two(PREFERENCE)

SFO-Dragonborn.esp- Audio Overhaul Skyrim.

ShootingStars.esp- Same as Rainbows, not to impactive and uses more vram.

WATER DB Waves.esp-Try Realistic Water Two(PREFERENCE)

Skyrim FLora Overhaul.esp-CAN be performance huge. Look at Grass on Steroids for help with this/ or remove.

WATER plants.esp-Try Realistic Water Two(PREFERENCE)

Supreme FogCOT.esp-Can replace with Pure Weather, its less performance demanding.

WATER.esp-Try Realistic Water Two(PREFERENCE)

WATER Falskaar.esp-Try Realistic Water Two(PREFERENCE)

dr_bandolierDG.esp- Frostfall gives nice backpacks for storage(PREFERENCE)

Dr_Bandolier.esp- Frostfall gives nice backpacks for storage(PREFERENCE)

Dodge_mod.esp- Try TK Dodge(PREFERENCE)

No Idea what these mods are:


Deus Mons_WithNPS.esp

Dual Wield Parrying_randomattacks_Dawnguard.esp

Further Dark Dungeon for ENB.esp

Armored Skeleton.esp

Immersive Dragonborn.esp

The Asteria-Dwemer Airship.esp

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Thanks for the reply! What do you want me to send you about the CPU? I don't really have any receipts or anything but I can send you a dxdiag or a cpuZ report. I think the only difference is that the K series have a built in overlock. They have a normal rate of 3.4 but can push to 3.9 if needed (as far as I understand). Also, what is EFF?


With all of that gone...I'm not left with much lol. I haven't looked at your preferences yet, but do they essentially look the same? I've heard so many great things about CoT, WATER, and Apocalypse. It seems like you are essentially gutting my game of everything :p Understandably this will increase my performance but I guess I should just try taking one or two away at a time to see what happens. The only thing I am is confused about is for a few of the ones you listed, you give no explanation. For example, Apocalypse-The Spell Package.esp. You listed it and a few others after it. Are you saying these are performance drainers, or bugged?


As of now I'm about to leave, but when I get back on I'm going to try running it with these taken out. Hopefully it will boost me up enough to where I can take it. If not, I might start having to look at your preferences.


Took away


Locational Damage.esp


No Skill Limit.esp





Added the Grass on Steroids and changed the grasssize to 120


Once again thanks for the help and I'll report back with my findings tomorrow. Out of curiousity, what mods do you use, and what FPS do you find acceptable and what is your rig?

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Thanks for the reply! What do you want me to send you about the CPU? I don't really have any receipts or anything but I can send you a dxdiag or a cpuZ report. I think the only difference is that the K series have a built in overlock. They have a normal rate of 3.4 but can push to 3.9 if needed (as far as I understand). Also, what is EFF?


With all of that gone...I'm not left with much lol. I haven't looked at your preferences yet, but do they essentially look the same? I've heard so many great things about CoT, WATER, and Apocalypse. It seems like you are essentially gutting my game of everything :tongue: Understandably this will increase my performance but I guess I should just try taking one or two away at a time to see what happens. The only thing I am is confused about is for a few of the ones you listed, you give no explanation. For example, Apocalypse-The Spell Package.esp. You listed it and a few others after it. Are you saying these are performance drainers, or bugged?


As of now I'm about to leave, but when I get back on I'm going to try running it with these taken out. Hopefully it will boost me up enough to where I can take it. If not, I might start having to look at your preferences.


Took away


Locational Damage.esp


No Skill Limit.esp





Added the Grass on Steroids and changed the grasssize to 120


Once again thanks for the help and I'll report back with my findings tomorrow. Out of curiousity, what mods do you use, and what FPS do you find acceptable and what is your rig?

Sorry, for the Apocalypse-The Spell Package.esp and Apocalypse - SkyRe Compatibility Patch.esp I simply forgot to cut out. (Edited first post)

Like you said, you can start removing them a few at a time, test it, with current save and a NEW GAME. a lot of the times when you go uninstalling a lot of mods you break the game save. Which means you'd have to start anew.

What makes CoT and WATER great is they've been around awhile and bugs are ironed out. BUT Pure Weather is basically a replacer to COT with no performance loss. As is Realistic Water Two for WATER.


The more scripts the worse the game will run, more mods CAN equal more scripts. So although it is nice to have all the mods you want, you'll have to pick and choose your mods carefully.

I don't know your GPU's overall standing in performance but based off 1GB of VRAM, you won't want to many texture mods or that many mods overall.

I suggest ENBoost for this problem to help, You won't be able to use some third party software such as DxTory with ENBoost.


I find 1920x1080 60FPS acceptable and I constantly get my game broken because of too many mods. Haha with that said I am currently reinstalling my mods, Core value first then nice to have mods.

In terms of what mods I use: I use mods to make skyrim work better, look nicer and play different. IE: Immersive mods and overhauls.

You'll never see my Load Order without Frostfall, SkyRe, iHud, iNeed or Cabal's AmidianBorn.


PS: Welcome to the Nexus.

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I haven't gotten past the character creation load, but already the into scene ride was TONS better. It varied quite a bit, but I'd say it averaged around 40 fps. One it stuttered at 1fps for about 5 secs, but then it resolved. Besides that, the lowest I really say it stay around was 24 and it even reached 60 sometimes, and the loading screen loaded about 3X faster. I'm not sure how taking away just those few and adding just those few (I also added the ENBoost) increased my FPS that much, but I have to say you really helped me out!

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I haven't gotten past the character creation load, but already the into scene ride was TONS better. It varied quite a bit, but I'd say it averaged around 40 fps. One it stuttered at 1fps for about 5 secs, but then it resolved. Besides that, the lowest I really say it stay around was 24 and it even reached 60 sometimes, and the loading screen loaded about 3X faster. I'm not sure how taking away just those few and adding just those few (I also added the ENBoost) increased my FPS that much, but I have to say you really helped me out!

glad to hear the great boost in performance. Removing some of the other mods will help performance as well.

Do you have LOOT TES5EDIT and Wyre Bash? They help keep the mods clean organized and working properly. In my opinion, install a few core mods and install one at a time of ones you really want. See where the performance stays at the sweet spot and where it dips down.

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I have LOOT (idk if it is tes5edit). The mods SEEM to work fine although I haven't really spent time in game. As of now, I'm ok with the FPS but if it gets to where I'm noticing it again I'll more than likely replace COT and WATER with your suggestions.

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Hey XBlood, a quick question:


i'm usually let BOSS sort my mods but i've seen LOOT being mentioned. I went to Gophers site and took a look at the video. He seems to favor LOOT and i understand why (much more powerful) but does it also gives you a list with mods that are "dirty" and in need of cleaning with TesVedit?

Or how do you approach that problem? Just clean all mods one after the other? Thanks for any help here!

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