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I just had one quick question about being a slaver, lets say i enslave some raider at the super duper mart. and i have the MMM esp where everyone respawns everywhere, if i enslave that raider will he just disappear and never respawn again or will he just respawn again just as if he had been gunned down?
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I have not been able to figure it out. There are so many of them that it's nearly impossible to determine whether or not a single one does not respawn. The game info on slaving says that slaves disappear permanently, but since I've been doing this for months and have not noticed a decline in raiders / talon mercs* / wastelanders or regulators, I'm very tempted to say that MMM is forcing them to respawn or is just generating new random spawns since there is nothing notably special about any of them.


* the default mezzer rate does not seem to apply to talon mercs, they suffer "insta-death" about 99.5% of the time.

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