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A Few Questions


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I was wondering if when you pick a name for a character weather it matters if you include a second name or not. I recall in either Morrowind or Neverwinter Nights that it sounded rather silly when the allways spoke to you using your full name term. Sounds minor put i want to make sure my characters up to a standard so i fully enjoy the experience.


Also, i don't really care about this as ill probably play through the first time the way i want to; but there was always convlicts in morrowinds quests. I know this is a non-spoiler Section but i was wondering if there was any in Oblivon. Please either just state the factions in question or PM me.


I was also wondering if anyone has been experiencing problems with the latest cataylst drivers (6.3) as i am. What drivers do you use that seem to be stable and reliable?


My character build so far is :



Dark Elf





Favoured Attributes




Major Skills






Light Armour






it had been suggested that i replace illousion with another stealth attribute such as Acrobatics or Security. However, i wish to try out the Paralyse and the invisibility/chameleon would surely be useful. You opinions on any improvments/alterations or other ideas are welcome.


Thanks, Leviathan

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I was wondering if when you pick a name for a character weather it matters if you include a second name or not.

No, because the NPCs never say your name. At least, the ones in the Oblivion master file dont, I cant speak about other peoples' mods. In any case, you should be safe putting a last name in, unlike Morrowind

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