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My Little Anthro Ponies


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Ooh! They're both so adorably detailed. That's really cool of Egophilliac to let you use those. :)
No worries about not posting here in awhile. I understand that updates take time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been really depressed lately, so I've been avoiding work on the ponies. I do have some new stuff, but not as much as I should have gotten done. My other project crashed and burning in the GECK this morning so it's back to the ponies.


This is Chrysalis' perk icon, Flickr removed the transparency, so the white is where the transparency is. It's a background-less version of this: Dr. Love




And the change log:

-Fixed spelling error regarding Ditzy Doo. It now is spelled with two o now.
-Fixed misnamed Node in Rarity's tail.
-Updated the naming convention and organized the headers of the models.
-Updated Bi-Tangents on all of the models to fix bad normal mapping.
-Updated the naming convention for the mod's assets and internal record names.
-Added Nyx, Milky Way, Nightmare Moon, and Littlepip

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Sorry to hear about your other project going down in flames. The GECK really is evil sometimes. :/
Anyhoo, I really like that Chrysalis pic and I hope you feel better. There's gotta be something you can do that can cheer you up, like turning on God mode in New Vegas and murdering everyone at Cottonwood Cove and the Fort. It's worth a try, right? :)

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Major update today, all centered around the coding of the mod and optimizing it and making it more redundant, also fixing everything I broke in the process:


-Optimized all of the scripts in the mod to reduce resource usage and speed them up.
(Most of the following bug fixes are resultant of the optimization)
-Fixed the wing selection message from displaying directly after Doc Mitchell telling you to walk to the vigor tester. It now waits a second to display after he walks off to the vigor tester.
-Fixed a bug where the fold wings option was hidden in the initial message box.
-Fixed bugged condition on dialogue regarding Twilight folding her wings. Her evolution stage was being compared incorrectly.
-Fixed misplaced variable setting in GenericPonyFollowerScript that would trip the script into never setting the pony's switching day.
-Fixed broken conditions that prevented the player from switching Celestia to Molestia, Twilight to Princess Twilight, and Luna(either version) and Nightmare Moon.
-Fixed Global for Player's wing being folded or spread not being set to -1 when changing race, which gave the player only one choice of wings.
-Fixed the Wing message window not being displayed after the initial display.
-Add code for the player selecting nevermind when changing wings, it would not reset the script for the it's next usage.

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