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No Psychic Guards Problem


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i loaded the no psychic guards mod, and every time someone calls for a guard my game crashes. i was in Bruma, in Olav's tap and tack. ongar sneaks over to a guy i'm trying to assassinate and picks his pocket. someone behind him calls for a guard. bang, crash, send error report.


whats the problem and how do i fix it?

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Odd, I too have this mod (got the harder one going), however I have not been caught stealing yet.


Will try this out, and see if it happens to me too (maybe its just a conflict on your part).


Will post details if I remember >.>

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I remember this happening to me too (before installing the mod) the game didn't crash then though.


What happened was he was taken outside by the guard and a few seconds later they split up like they where the best of friends (bribe maybe...)


This is going to be a tough one to reproduce, but maybe CS has something I could use.

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