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The Ghoul Reaver


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Alright, so I don't know what it is, but the Ghoul Reaver is one screwed up little psycho...


This is a bug that I've experienced on at least two platforms (Xbox 360 / PC) in which a Ghoul Reaver will break into what appears to be a standing seizure. I've also experimented with various things. When using the Gauss Rifle (or another weapon with knock-down), and shooting at an epileptic Ghoul, the Ghoul instantly flew very fast and very far away (sometimes accelerating so fast, they fall into void). Sometimes your bullets will not hit and pass through said epileptic Ghoul.


These onsets of seizures are random and incredibly annoying.


Could this be tied into that weird "whisp" effect that they have on their bodies? Because no other Ghouls (even Glowing Ones) exhibit this behavior.


Is there a fix? (Maybe some pills they can take?)

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