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Rich Merchant mod that works for fences


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Golden Vendors seems to be the most functional mod to give merchants more money to trade with. However, it gets broken with fences. Once a merchant has more than 32767 gold, the money exchange breaks. A simple multiplication across the board won't work, then (fences can have up to 4000 gold to begin with). UrbanSniper seems to have come up with a solution; but no one's put it into a mod yet.



There is a way to fix it that seems to work from what I've seen on my tests. Just load up the mod in the Creation Kit and look for the VendorGoldFenceStage items in the LeveledItems lists. There should be five of them numbered 00 thru 04, all with a value of 10000. Change the values to something less, I'm using 7500. Their gold will then scale properly up to 30000, which is below the limit it will break. So far it seems to be working for me, gold is transacting properly.
Edit/Update - The 7500 value breaks stage 04 when the vendor gold increases to its maximum value. I'd recommend 1500 for stage 04 instead, as that gives you a bit of a window between the break amount (32767).


Edited by tony971
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