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Can't walk or even fast travel without CTD


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Hey guys,

So after spending a few hours installing some popular mods, my newest character file begins to crash when I try to fast travel or walk a short distance. I've played this character for about 3-4 hours. The mods I recently downloaded are listed here:

-Fantasy Soundtrack Overhaul

-Immersive Creatures


-Skyrim HD

-Enhanced Lights and FX

-Deadly Dragons


That being said, after noticing the CTD, I researched some common remedies to the problem. I've tried:

-disabling my new lighting mod

-changing shadow settings to low

-making sure my audio output was below 48,000Hz

-running TES5Edit (found no errors)

-running game on low settings

-disabling SMIM

-running BOSS (contained many dirty edits, but most of these edits existed before the issue)

-disabling FSO

-disabling all new mods at once

When these didn't work, I created a new character and tested it out. There was no crashing upon fast traveling, which I tested quite a few times. This led me to believe my previous save file could be bloated. However, it's only at 6,400 KB, which is significantly smaller than what I've seen from other player's bloated saves.

My specs are as follows:

-Processor: Intel®Core™ i7-4700 MQ CPU @ 2.40GHz

-Installed Memory: 8GB (7.80GB usable)

-System Type: 64-bit OS, x64-based processor

-Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT-750M

This is the first time I've had to deal with CTDs so frequently. I'm a relatively regular modder, and the mods I used prior to this particular save file didn't give me as much grief. I'm at my wit's end and would appreciate any and all help from you lovely people.

Additionally, all of my other software is up to date. SKSE, BOSS, NMM, and TES5Edit are all fully updated.

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Resolved: My Immersive Creatures Mod was having issues with my SkyTest Realistic Animals mod. After uninstalling the latter, I've experienced no crashes.


Im pretty sure thats where a lot of my random CTD were coming from as well. Those MoDs were the last 2 I installed since I started getting all the issues with CTD.


Nothing bad to say about those MoDs, I really didlike them a lot but sadly for me they just did not like my computer.

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