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Would this worldspace be useful/fun for anyone?


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I fell in love with making maps back in the days of the Half-Life 1 era. I got back into Skyrim recently and decided to try making maps. I'm actually really enjoying it. I've been slowly chugging along learning the Creation Kit as best I can. I'm actually working on a project for myself now, instead of just trying stuff to see what works. I'm doing this simply because I like it. I do have an idea of a somewhat simple master quest line. I'm purposely making something somewhat small because it makes me more likely to finish it, and also give me the opportunity to learn all "stages" of making a polished map. If I get this done and want to start something bigger, I'll have more experience basically.




My question for any of you, is if I actually finish this, would it be useful for the mod community? It might actually make me more motivated to complete it (lol). At the moment I don't intend on adding any NPCs, but a few small empty villages, a lighthouse, some underground stuff, and maybe some kind of docks. I like the idea of making something with just animals roaming around, and having a "curiously empty town" that outsiders are scared to visit because they don't know what happened to everyone. No dead bodies, or anything. They're just gone. I don't want to give away any spoilers in case this turns into a mod worth anybody downloading lol. Then you could use realistic needs and diseases and actually just be alone in the woods and hunt, at least until you find something related to the vanished residents.




Sorry they're not good. I'm just learning about LOD right now.


So here's a misleading picture from above. It actually has a lot of detail on the ground level. The terrain is ready for a "detail pass" to fine tune textures as I place trees and such.



Buildings near the lighthouse to show some scale.



Here is a rough painting of my vision. There's virtually no buildings except the lighthouse, and the tree placement and density is basically just there to look good for the picture.

This was only supposed to be quick painting, but I sort of zoned out and a few hours went by and the quick painting got more and more detail. lol!




So that's my little project. Think could be worth putting on the nexus site if I make significant progress?

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Some more pics from today just because.


The color is so I can remember I want to put paths or mark other things like entrances or a waterfall.


I think I got the LOD stuff better today. Broke my ENB though lol.







Edited by malisc140
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