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Please don't vindicate me just because I'm a Newb!


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Hello All!


I am a newb here, and for obvious reasons am posting in the "Newbies" forum, just for intro. sake. So, hi there, I am a new Modder(Who has yet to Mod!) to Fallout 3 but, I am a Veteran to several other games. So, hopefully, my goal is to get a basic understanding of Fallout 3 Modding, and then run with it.


*PS-Is this forum dead or is it me??



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No, it's you. This forum is full of life, in some places. And why would we vindicate a newbie? Is this some sort of a custom there from where you are from? If so, then we don't really have it here.


Oh, and hello, welcome, and happy New Year, by the way, among other things I currently don't remember.

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Thanks Guys!


No, No Custom. Just, at Facepunch (what else to expect?) and various other forums, people tend to flame and well, vindicate noobs.

Just thought I'd check.


Happy Late New Year to All!


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Welcome to The TesNexus


Flamers don't last long here. If their flame is fairly mild they may get a warning first. If it is serious, (or, according to some people if I am in a bad mood) They get banned. :cool:


If you get vindicated, let me - or another moderator - know and we will decide whether it is allowed or not. :thumbsup:

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Vindicate....from Webster's Online...


"Main Entry: vin·di·cate

Pronunciation: \ˈvin-də-ˌkāt\

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): vin·di·cat·ed; vin·di·cat·ing

Etymology: Latin vindicatus, past participle of vindicare to lay claim to, avenge, from vindic-, vindex claimant, avenger

Date: circa 1571


1 obsolete : to set free : deliver

2 : avenge

3 a : to free from allegation or blame b (1) : confirm, substantiate (2) : to provide justification or defense for : justify c : to protect from attack or encroachment : defend

4 : to maintain a right to

synonyms see exculpate, maintain"


I think the OP has a mistaken belief about what vindicate means.

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theuseless taps a plains, a swamp and a mountain, then casts vindicate on EGJason. If that made no sense, I'm sorry. Just love the game Magic the Gathering. Now you have officially been vindicated. Now care for a lightning bolt?


Back on topic, have you looked up the wiki yet? It is full of great know how.



Have you installed and played mods for fo3 yet?

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