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renders won't show in construction set


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I'm trying to build a mod in an exterior wilderness cell, but the original renders that are already in the space will not show up. All the construction set will show me is an empty spot of land. I know there are trees and rocks and stuff already there, but it will not show up. Someone told me to try adding in a render so that it would make the construction set show the others, but that didn't work either. I'm using the newest version of the construction set, and I have windows vista, but with oblivion and the construction set installed in my own folder, not the program files. Anyone know how to fix this?
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Are you working on the wrong side of a city wall? This is a common problem. If, for example, you are in the Bruma Worldspace you must work inside the city wall. If you are in the Tamriel WorldSpace, you must work outside the walls of Bruma. Otherwise your work will not show up in the game. For an exterior wilderness cell, you will most likely need to be in the Tamriel worldspace, and it will not be empty. You will see rocks and trees and ingredients and creatures in the Render Window.


I guess you were able to successfully create a new mod and activate it in your mod manager? If that part didn't go right, nothing will change in your game.

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Thank you so much! This completely solved my problem. Actually, I feel kinda silly now, lol. In the past, I've mostly worked with just changing existing places, so I hadn't really run into this before. I did create the mod itself ok, so everything is fine... at least until I start trying my hand at scripting! haha Thanks again!
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